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• 304,000 new people were added to the subscription files for The PLAIN
TRUTH, GOOD NEWS, YOUTH 85, etc. This is equivalent to the total num­
ber of people added in the first 25 years of this era of God's Church.
• 777,000 pieces of mail were received, also a record. This count was
unexpected, considering the combining of the February/March PLAIN
• A record 14.4 million publications were sent out, including 10 million
PLAIN TRUTHs, 1.8 million letters, 820,000 GOOD NEWS magazines,
650,000 booklets and over a million other items.
At this current rate of growth, 1985 will rewrite much of the record book!
Latest Innovation Enables WATS to Route Calls
Modern technology has once again provided an important innovation for our
Telephone Response (WATS) area. We have acquired a special terminal which
controls our phone number in the central phone company located in St.
Louis, Missouri. This device allows us to instantly direct incoming calls
either to Pasadena or Big Sandy. Heretofore all such technical changes in
routing had to be done by the phone company employees, and required a three­
week notice. This new equipment now allows us to do the routing ourselves
within seconds here in Pasadena. It also allows us the flexibility to dis­
tribute incoming responses in whatever quantities we choose.
For example, we can take advantage of the two hour time difference between
California and Texas, and reduce the size of crews needed during very early
or very late hours. Also, in an emergency, such as a power failure, all
calls could be temporarily routed to the facility not affected. In addi­
tion, calls could easily be directed to a third WATS operation should one
ever be needed.
We're grateful for this new equipment that God has provided for our WATS
area. It will save a substantial amount of time and money and enable us to
serve more callers.
Calls From Hawaii Now Toll-free
Early this month, Hawaii was added to the 800 toll-free system. Callers
from Hawaii can now dial directly (1-800-423-4444) rather than calling col­
lect. This will make it more convenient to call and should increase our TV
response from that state.
Alaska is now the only state where collect calls are necessary when calling
in to our Pasadena or Big Sandy WATS areas.
"More Than a Monarch" Well Received by Church Members
A number of members have written to Mr. Armstrong about the film "More Than
a Monarch" that was shown to the brethren. They were particularly impress­
ed by the royal family of Thailand's care and concern for their people. The
King and Queen's example of loving leadership gave our brethren a clearer
picture of what their roles might be as educators in the World Tomorrow.
Following are some of the letters we received: