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Incoming mail in January was up 83% and in February 12%.
Preparations for our advertising programme this year have also been com­
The March issue of HET BESTE (READER'S DIGEST) and the
AUTOETOURIST (Belgian Automobile Association magazine) will carry an ad of­
fering a subscription to the ECHTE WAARHEID in one of the seven languages
The next advertising campaign is scheduled for October. A flyer will be
placed in the weekend edition of De TELEGRAAF (The Telegraph) and a full­
page ad on the inside of the front cover of the Dutch Automobile Association
The doors to the newsstands in this country have been closed since 1974 and
have remained so despite all our efforts. Recently however, we have been
approached by the manager of a chain-food store with 40 outlets, who
offered to let us put copies of the ECHTE WAARHEID on the counter of one of
his stores. We are very excited about this as this could reopen the doors
to newsstands in the Netherlands. Your prayers in this matter are greatly
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
THE PLAIN TRUTH Waiting Room Program Brings Results
Since The PLAIN TRUTH Waiting Room Program began in May 1980, hundreds of
Church members have volunteered their time and efforts to call doctors and
others with waiting rooms, offering them a complimentary subscription to
The PLAIN TRUTH. In nearly five years, over three-quarters of a million
calls have been made in the United States alone, resulting in subscriptions
going to 195,000 waiting rooms. Over 106,000 people have since requested
their own subscription after reading The PLAIN TRUTH in these locations.
We recently received the following letter from one of our Church member
volunteers. We feel it illustrates the enthusiasm and dedication many have
felt as they have been involved in this program over the years:
This is one of those letters that is difficult to begin. I'm not
even sure to whom I'm writing. Is it to Mr. Armstrong to thank
him for being God's apostle and starting the phone calling of the
local waiting rooms for a free PT subscription? Is it to the dea­
con and his wife in our local church area who put my name on the
list as one of the callers? Is it to the local managers who con­
stantly encouraged us throughout the year? Or is it to someone
I've never met, in another state, who's just beginning her part
in this exciting program? I'm not really sure; but I do know that
anyone involved in the program would wholeheartedly agree it is
"an experience of a lifetime."
Our managers set the goal of 30 calls a week for each of us here
in Denver. We called every category from accountants to veteri­
narians; auto dealers to nursing homes. And don't forget beauty
shops and osteopaths! If they had a waiting room area, we wanted
to reach them! It wasn't always easy to discipline myself to go
through those yellow pages and MAKE THOSE CALLS! I was assigned