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Sir, I'd like to express my sincerest appreciation for your con­
cern in sending Mr. DeanBlackwell here to give us this formal
training. All the senior ministers remarked they are learning
many new things from him. Being a ministerial trainee, I feel
like a parched land drinking in all this new knowledge. And Sir,
I can only return your kindness and concern by doing my best,
with God's power and Spirit, to be a profitable servant.
Gil Adolfo G. Llaneza
An article by Mr. Rod Matthews in the March 18 WORLDWIDE NEWS contains more
details on the Ministerial Education Program 'in the Philippines.
Mr. Ames has also informed me of rapidly increasing growth in the Philip­
pines in the number of new contacts responding to our publications and
broadcast media.
Please continue to pray for the Ministerial Training
Program and for the overall growth of God's Church in the Philippines.
Mr.Blackwell will be returning to the United States during the mid-June
break to spend some time with his mother, who is suffering from breast can­
cer. Your prayers on her behalf would be much appreciated as well.
Mr. Armstrong is feeling very well. His photograph appeared on page one of
the Pasadena STAR NEWS on Thursday, March 21, with Queen Sirikit and Los
Angeles Mayor TomBradley, with whom he had dinner Wednesday evening. We
all appreciate the fine example Mr. Armstrong sets with his drive and en­
thusiasm in fulfilling God's commission to His end-time Church. He cer­
tainly continues to set the pace for all of us with his hard work!
Festival Site Filled to Capacity
The Caribbean regional office has asked us to announce that the
festival site in Christ Church,Barbados has reached capacity and
no more applications can be accepted.
There is still space
available for transfers to the sites in St. Lucia, Guyana, and
International News
From Mr.Bram deBree This year God's work in the Dutch-language areas
started off very well with an overwhelming response to Mr. Herbert
strong's semi-annual letter in which his book, THE UNITED STATES AND
BRITAIN IN PROPHECY, was offered in the Dutch language for the first time.
We had 10,000 books printed and within the first two months of this year
nearly 9,000 had been sent out already. This is the largest number of books
or booklets of a single title mailed out from our office in a period of two
At the same time the fourth PLAIN TRUTH renewal letter has been sent out.
At present we are receiving a 10% response.