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In addition to these specific subjects will be a question and answer period
chaired by Mr. Wayne Cole, a special meeting of each regional coordinator
with all the reps from his region, a workshop to carefully examine the
Y.O.U. manual, a presentation by Ambassador College officials on the
upcoming program for the college, a series of reports from the reps from
overseas chapters, and a special presentation on S.E.P. and the oppor­
tunities it affords to the youth in service and recreation.
The speakers for this year's program are Mr. Wayne Cole, Mr. Raymond
McNair, Mr. Dave Antion, Dr. George Geis, Dr. Robert Oberlander, Mr.
Les Stocker, Mr. Greg Albrecht, Dennis Robertson, Vernon Hargrove, Joe
Horchak, Dan Bierer, Tim Love, Mr. Jim Thornhill and the Y.O.U. staff,
and all 12 regional coordinators. In addition, to our in-house speakers,
our guests will include Dr. Marty Baren, Mr. Ron La Flore, Mr. Paul
Yearout, Ms. Alys Swan and Mr. Jack Ferrel.
Mr. Armstrong had planned to give the keynote address on the Sabbath,
but will be in Jerusalem at that time and therefore unable to be with us.
Mr. Wayne Cole will give the address in Mr. Armstrong's stead.
Other Related Matters of Interest
Everyone will be housed on campus (many will be on mattresses on the
floor, but all will be comfortable). Evening entertainment will consist
of a trip to Disneyland, one semi-formal dance, one casual dance, and a
game evening that defies labels!
--Ron Dick, Y.O.U.
Many questions are coming in about the progress of the Sabbath education
program (Y.E.S.) materials. It is encouraging to see the interest from
all of you regarding this facet of the Y.O.U. program.
As you may have already read in the Pastor's Report, Mr. Cole presented
our proposal to Mr. Armstrong before the Feast and he was very enthusiastic
and approving of the idea that our youth receive formal biblical instruc­
tion on the Sabbath.
Starting in January, we will begin producing a curriculum for five
different age groups. The material will provide a well-designed teaching
schedule of subjects to fit the ages involved and be seasonal in accord­
ance with the Holy Days.
At the same time the curriculum is being designed and prqduced, we hope
to make a cassette program for the potential instructors. The ex�ct
methods and materials are yet to be chosen. We also plan to have avail­
able materials for the parents so they may teach their children at home
in concert with the formal Sabbath education program.
Our target date for the distribution of the first materials is around
Passover time. The material at that time will be for the younger age
groups along with their instructors and parents. Upon completion o·
f the
first part, we plan to precede with each older age group and the related
adult materials needed to best present the information.