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Our first job will be to collect ideas from the many church areas which
have been doing an excellent job on their own for the last three years.
We have seen the work of many talented and dedicated people experienced
in teaching and curriculum design. We wish to make full use of their
very fine work for the benefit of the whole program worldwide.
. . .
Mr. Armstrong will inspect the materials and aoprove them before distri­
bution. He wants to be certain that our youth receive the finest teaching
we are able to give. He also stated that the programs for the youth
around the world must be uniform and consistant. We realize that a transi­
tion period will be necessary for those who have already launched into
a long-term program and wish to finish it before making use of the new
Y.E.S. curriculum.
In any case, we want to encourage those who wish to continue their exist­
ing programs to do so for the time being. Our production deadlines are
tentative and may go over for any number of reasons. We would not want
your group to "cool off" once started on a good program.
We also want to encourage those who are about to start trial programs
to feel free to go ahead. It would be of benefit to work the bugs out
of your system and have some experience before getting into full swing
with materials from headquarters. But until we have produced our materials
and gotten them approved by Mr. Armstrong, we have nothing official to
Once the Y.E.S. staff gets into the actual production phase, we will keep
you posted on our progress and proposed distribution dates which should
be more specific by that time.
--Ron Dick,
I studied your book at least a chapter a day after the Feast.
What a revelation just to see how much new understanding God
has given us thru you in the last few years. You have put it
nll together so plain and simple and stirred up the desire in
me to yield to God more for the power to fulfill our potential.
Please continue to lead us and .inspire us.
--Robert E. Curry, Arlington, VA
It's simply a fantastic book. It has given me a renewed feeling
of dignity and value. I'm more excited than ever about our
mission on earth and I can feel the importance and value of
every human life. We appreciate your hard work and dedication.
You set a fine example for the rest of us.
--Mrs. K. Bell, Chichester, NH
I thank God for inspiring you to write The INCREDIBLE HUMAN
POTENTIAL. I have never felt more positive and happy in under­
standing my calling. I'm on page 146 and just stopped to write
you.•.. Thanks for all the time you took to write this most
inspiring book. I don't think I ever really understood my
calling until now. It makes me want to fight and work harder,
more than ever before.
--Mrs. Frances Tabladillo, Agoura, CA