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receive a weekly receipt at the time they donate.,
{Regular contributors,
such as members and co-workers, receive receipts on a monthly basis.)
And, with the receipt form, we also enclose a descriptive card which
offers a current "Sermon Summary" on the Bible, prophecy, Christian
living, family relations, etc� These summaries are brief condensations
of selected sermons given in local headquarters churches -- and in
appearance resemble small reprint articles. {Member receipts do not
include these. "Sermon Summary" articles, since the summaries are being
printed in the Good News tabloid.)
Response has been very good for these summaries! Since the program
began, over 134,000 summaries have been sent out. Here is a brief
breakdown of how different facets of the Receipt Program have been doing:
First-time receipts advertise "What Is The True Gospel?" This
receipt has been cveraging 16% response from basically brand new
first-time donors.
Ambassador College receipts advertising Sermon Summaries are
averaging a 24% response.
Worldwide Church of God weekly receipts are pulling an average 21%
response as a result of Sermon Summaries.
Non-member monthly receipts, which go to our best co-workers, are
producing a 30% response average.
Obviously, we are pleased with the results to this point--and, with God's
blessing, we hope the program can continue to produce good fruit in the
.ives of individuals and for the Work. It is interesting that forty-six
percent .of the total income produced from Subscriber Development mailings
is coming from the Receipt Program. The inspired messages of God's
ministers, as capsulized in these Summaries, are truly giving the people
good spiritual food and they appreciate it very much.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
The youth conference
now taking definite shape. We have two full
weeks before the first representatives arrive. In all there will be 550
youths at the conference. By some miracle nearly half are boys and the
other half, the other half!
The reps come from all 50 states representing 290 churches in the U.S.
and 14 churches from 17 foreign countries. Forty youths are coming from
countries not on the North American continent.
Leadership is the theme for this year's conference. All the lectures
and workshops are designed to relate to that theme. The program will
include lectures and workshops on "peer pressure and leadership," "how
to get along with peers and adults," "the importance of leadership,"
"communication and motivation," "overcoming a negative background,"
"preparing for one's career," "personal presentation and leadership,"
"organizing a successful activity group," "news reporting for your local
chapter," "Christian living for the youth leader," and "three ph.!;l_se? of
preparation for adulthood."