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WN Circulation Policy
The Worldwide News is sent free of charge to all baptized head of houseĀ­
hold members. Newly baptized members ,will be added automatically to our
lists. Co-workers and other interested persons who wish to be added to
The Worldwide News mailing list may receive the paper upon written request.
--Dexter Faulkner, Good News/WN Editorial
We are at the moment working on material for the ministerial conference
concerning the publishing area. New publication production schedules
for 1979 are also being developed.
Of course, Quest magazine is still very much alive and we are busy working
on some changes in format for 1979/80. Things look very good in that
area. Mr. Armstrong's member letter about Quest gives those of us who
work directly with the magazine a renewed sense of direction.
Everest House, our book publishing venture, is doing very well indeed.
We've already established ourselves in the book trade and have sold the
reprint rights of several books. Mr. Armstrong's other hard-bound books
are coming along well for spring '79 publication.
--Roger G. Lippross, Publishing Services
This week a camera crew (Dick Quincer, Ron Prociw, Steve Szabo, and Jack
Epps) is leaving in advance of Mr. Armstrong on his trip to Jerusalem
and London. They will record Mr. Armstrong's meetings with government
officials, dinners at which Mr. Armstrong will be honored, as well as
various projects in which the Ambassador Foundation is presently involved.
As Mr. Rader indicated in the previous Pastor's Report, we are working on
the pilot for a new series of programs which, if approved by Mr. Armstrong,
are scheduled to start airing in the fall of 1979. Some of the material
gathered on this present trip to the Middle East will be included in at
least one section of the pilot program.
Some other areas of interest that our Television crew will try to gather
footage on will be the archaeological dig, general street scenes and holy
places within Jerusalem, the International Cultural Center for Youth, and
the possibility of interviews with important personalities regarding the
Middle East situation.
More news will be forthcoming as soon as Mr. Armstrong approves the format
of the proposed new series of television programs.
--John Lundberg, Media Division
Since December 1977 the "Sermon Summaries" offered with weekly and monthly
receipts have been some of the best pulling literature advertised by
Subscriber Development.
The Receipt Program works essentially like this: first-time donors, and
donors who contribute to Ambassador College or Worldwide Church of God,