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Greetings Fellow:Minist�rs:
I have several things I wanted to discuss with you this week, but
regret that I'll have to defer until an6ther time--hopefully next week.
We are extremely busy this week and I simply have not had the time to
write for the Pastor's Report.
Wayne Cole
I have had the opportunity to talk with Mr. Armstrong twice this past
week. He's been working very hard. He said he was up until 3:00 a.m.
reading the December
At least we have� zealous reader! He has
spent many hours going over copy for the January number which has now
gone to press. He approved a cover for it as well (the new pope). Roger
Lippross expects the January number to do very well on the newsstands in
this country. Mr. Armstrong now has five articles in the January issue,
totaling some 30 pages of copy. And I can say from my own experience that
represents an awful lot of hard work.
Mr. Armstrong has been spending many hours at his typewriter over in
Tucson. He's been working in four-and five-hour stints, he told me. This
is causing him some difficulty in his legs due to poor circulation, so
he's hoping to do more walking this week to loosen things up again.
Work is well under way for the 45th Anniversary edition of the PT
--Brian Knowles, Editorial Services
Greetings from the editorial staff of the Worldwide News and the Good News
magazine. We are progressing very smoothly with the make-up and produc­
tion of the first Good News magazine. Our first issue will be printed
late December for distribution in January. Thought I would print the
following policy statements on circulation for the Good News so that all
concerned would be informed on who will be receiving these designated
Thanks again for your support and prayers. Once again I wish to remind
any of you that feel you would like to send us a short article or sermon­
ette for the Sharing column or a tape for a sermon summary, we would sin­
cerely welcome it for consideration in a future issue.
GN Circulation Policy
The new Good News magazine will be a two-signature 32-pag�, four-color
magazine published monthly except for combined issues in July-August and
In the U.S. it will be sent to all member and coworker head of households.
The U.S. will absorb the costs of printing for each of the International
areas, though they will be expected to cover the cost of shipping. There
are no plans at this time to expand the circulation to any others besides
members and coworkers or to translate �he GN into other languages. In the
future these options will be re-evaluated.