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Recent Ordination
Mr. Lazarus Chimba, who serves in the Harare, Zimbabwe congregation, was
ordained a local church elder October 11, 1984. Hands were laid on him by
the Regional Director for Southern Africa, Dr. Roy McCarthy.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From the United States
JACKSON-GREENWOOD, MS--MARC SEGALL: We truly appreciate Mr. Aaron
Dean's articles on Mr. Armstrong's trips in the WORLDWIDE NEWS.
Mr. Dean is so graphic, detailed, and colorful in his reports we
feel like we were actually there experiencing it all. They cer­
tainly help the brethren understand the immense value of Mr. Arm­
strong's travel and contacts. The China trip was amazing!
ANNISTON, AL--MICHAEL HANISKO: The taped sermon by Mr. Armstrong
on abortion and Dr.
immerman's on marital relations were very
well received and generated many comments. In response to Dr.
Zimmerman's sermon, several couples that are having marriage dif­
ficulties commented that what God requires of them in overcoming
their problems couldn't be any more clear than what they just
DES MOINES, IA--ROBERT CLONINGER: The taped sermon by Dr. Zim­
merman set a record for the number of copies checked out from our
library. It is evident that it moved many to listen again and re­
evaluate the condition of their own marriages.
TAMPA, FL--RONALD LOHR: Mr. Tkach's visit was the high point of
the month.
The brethren were responsive to his message.
visit was very supportive of the local ministry and unifying in
every way.
PORTLAND, ME--LEONARD HOLLADAY: Our YOU members are so scattered
from one another that getting together for activities is diffi­
cult. I'm trying to help them by getting to know them better. At
the Feast I was talking with Mr. Les Schmedes (pastor of the
Rochester and Syracuse, New York churches), who instituted a
visiting program with each teen.
It has opened communications
between himself and the teens and improved communication between
parents and teens.
I've talked with about one fourth of our
teens in both congregations so far and feel that it is having a
positive impact on them and the Church.
MURFREESBORO, TN--JAMES FRIDDLE: A former Ambassador College stu­
dent was pinned in his car for two hours with a broken thighbone,
broken shoulder blade and three broken ribs. One of the paramed­
ics who helped cut him out of the car said she had never ieen a
person live after an accident as serious as his.
After three
weeks in the hospital he is now home and walking. God miracu­
lously kept him alive and healed him.
JOPLIN, MO--VINCE SZYMKOWIAK: The life of one of our local teen­
agers was miraculously spared after her car ran under the trailer