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In the first quarter of 1984 we conducted an advertising campaign promoting
the Dutch edition of The PLAIN TRUTH, De ECHTE WAARHEID, on the back covers
of a TV guide and the monthly publication of the Dutch Automobile Associa­
tion. In the last quarter of 1984 we ran a back cover ad in the Belgian
Automobile Association magazine. As a result, 16,570 new subscribers were
added to the list, giving us a total circulation of 44,500 at the end of
The Dutch GOOD NEWS was issued six times during 1984. Circulation in­
creased 1.2%. As of January 1985 the GOOD NEWS (het GOEDE NIEUWS van de
Wereld van Morgen) will appear monthly again. The magazine will now be of­
fered to De ECHTE WAARHEID readers who have been subscribers for two or more
YOUTH magazine circulation increased 25.7%. Most Dutch YOU members have a
good command ·of the English language. English is taught with German and
French as a second language at high school. Also, the participation of the
Dutch YOU members at SEP camp at Loch Lomond, Scotland contributes greatly
to their English vocabulary.
In 1984 the translation, printing and issuing of the YES lessons in Dutch
was begun. Thanks to the dedication and hard work of Mr. and Mrs. Gerry van
der Wende in Pasadena, Lesson One for all nine levels was issued. The les­
sons have been received by parents and children with great enthusiasm.
Three new booklets were translated this past year and four booklets were
revised. This brings the total number of Dutch language booklets to 41.
The highlight was the publication of THE UNITED STATES AND BRITAIN IN
PROPHECY, a long-awaited book in the Dutch language.
Sixty thousand eighty-one pieces of mail were received in 1984. Personal
correspondence increased 83.6%. Income increased 8.5% while the number of
co-workers increased 47.8% and donors 7.6%.
In 1984, approval was received from Ministerial Services for the Antwerp,
Belgium Church to meet each Sabbath. Before that, Antwerp met only twice a
month. As of January 1985, four Dutch language services are being held
weekly: Zwolle, De Bilt and Tilburg, The Netherlands and Antwerp, Belgium.
The number of Spokesman Clubs increased from two to three in 1984. Church
attendance increased 10.2%. Membership increased 7.9% with 17 baptisms.
Total membership is 217 and total attendance for all four churches is 334.
Again this year the management of the theater complex "De Tamboer" in
Hoogeveen advised us that we would be given priority in booking the complex
for the 1985 Feast of Tabernacles. Plans have already been completed for
keeping the Feast at this location.
We are looking forward to continued expansion in 1985. Mr. Armstrong has
approved our advertising program for 1985. The first ad will be in the