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of a tractor-trailer rig.
Her car was dragged beneath the
trailer for perhaps SO yards, then the trailer's rear wheels ran
over the car. The car was then hurled over an embankment, and she
was thrown through one of the car windows. She landed uncon­
scious in about six inches of water. There were undoubtedly sev­
eral miracles God performed to save her life.
After she was
anointed, x-rays were taken, and not one bone or tooth was found
to be broken or fractured!
Not one suture was required. God
worked in a powerful way to spare her life.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Radio Tapes for Church Libraries
Mr. Garland Snuffer and the Radio Production staff have recently mailed out
a set of four GO-minute audio cassette tapes to all English-speaking
churches worldwide. These tapes contain eight of Mr. Armstrong's 30-minute
radio programs (two programs per tape) on the subject of "The True Church."
These are actual radio programs aired in times past. We have sent you one
set for each 50 heads of household. (For example: If there are approximate­
ly 350 heads of household in your church area, you would have received seven
These cassettes are to be put in your church library so the brethren can
have an opportunity to listen to them. Hopefully this will be a viable re­
placement for the radio program in the United States and a special plus for
the English-speaking brethren in Europe, South Africa, Asia, Australia, New
Zealand and the South Pacific. We are planning to send out three or four
more sets of additional radio programs during 1985.
Video Tape of Mr. Armstrong's Bible Study
Mr. Armstrong has also instructed the Television Department to send out a
video cassette presentation of his Bible study given in Pasadena in early
December. This was the first Bible study Mr. Armstrong gave upon returning
from his November Far East trip. Mr. Armstrong showed the Ambassador Tele­
vision production he presented to King Bhumibol of Thailand, entitled "More
Than a Monarch."
The videotape consists of three parts: 1) Mr. Armstrong's introductory com­
ments; 2) the production "More Than a Monarch"; and 3) Mr. Armstrong's
concluding remarks (total length: one hour and 20 minutes). Mr. Armstrong
has instructed that this should be presented to the local congregation only
as a Bible study. Rather than rent expensive video projection equipment,
please utilize a VCR tape player and monitors. Pastors of larger church
areas may want to hold several smaller Bible studies in order to keep costs
down. Technical instructions for VCR tape player and monitor setup will be
included with the video cassette.
In the United States, we will be sending all pastors a VHS videotape. If
you need a format other than VHS, i.e. BETA or 3/4", please contact Linda
Scobee at Television as soon as possible. We are planning to distribute the
tapes the week of January 21st. We will be contacting all Regional Direc­
tors for setting up video tape distribution in their areas.
--Larry Omasta, Media Services