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and I feel blessed that at such a young age I am able to under­
stand and believe what is to come. My life has utterly changed.
Thanks to you, I understand like never before what I really am
and the real reason I'm here. You shocked me with a blast of the
truth and I thank God for the wisdom to believe it. I in no way
understand it all, but I have the strongest motivation to try.
Thank you! I wish that someday I can meet you.
T.M. (San Francisco, CA)
I am sixteen and have been attending the Worldwide Church of God
for about three months. Ever since I started going God's way, my
life has changed greatly for the good. I am giving a donation be­
cause I feel this is truly the Church of God. I would like to
tithe but have no job, although I am looking for one. Would you
please send me a subscription for YOUTH 84?
I have read a
friend's and enjoyed it.
S.A. (Arlington, TX)
I have been a subscriber to The PLAIN TRUTH for almost a year now
and I just wanted to point out that I think it is very refreshing
to read a magazine that is geared towards the inner side of the
reader instead of the physical side. Being sixteen, I get a lot
of peer pressure on the way to dress, act, etc. and I am just sick
of it. Although your magazine helps with family life, jobs and
other worldly situations, I really haven't read anything on what
it's like to be a teen-ager growing up in troubled times like
How about g1v1ng advice and reassurance to teen-age girls, like
myself, who don't want to be like every other kid around town who
is sexually active at this age? We could use a little parental/
adult boost in this area. I feel like others think I am some type
of freak just because I've never had a boyfriend before. That
will happen when it happens but the society we live in says that
if you haven't kissed a boy by the time you're fifteen, there is
something wrong with you. I know there is nothing freakish or
wrong with me but I could use a little morale boost. I seriously
ask the question, what's wrong with wanting to be a good, clean
J.s. (Cincinnati, OH)
I am writing to ask you to renew my subscription to The PLAIN
TRUTH. I'm sorry that I didn't write sooner but many things have
been happening to me lately.
I'm fifteen and it seems like
everyone around me is drinking, taking drugs and listening to
heavy metal music.
They act very strange and they're always
angry. At first I thought it was my imagination, but now it seems
I'm being pressured into things I know are wrong.
I know the only way for me to get out of this trap is to have the
faith of Jesus Christ. Thank you for publishing The PLAIN TRUTH
for free. I used to think all of the churches were out to make a
fast buck, but now I realize there is some good in the world.
R.F. (Carpentersville, IL)
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center