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request before returning to the first one. This simple procedure has
allowed us to answer many calls we would otherwise lose.
• Tape Recording Machines on Overflow Lines--When all operators are
busy, the caller receives a taped message giving him the option of
leaving his request on tape or calling back ten minutes later.
All these innovations are now providing faster and better service to more
people without increasing our staff.
Teen-agers Strive to Live God's Way
More and more teen-agers who write in are showing a deeper interest in God's
truth. Their letters often display a maturity and depth of commitment that
is inspiring. These young people are willing to combat peer pressure and
society's temptations because they are convinced that God's way is truly
best. Following are just a few of the many letters we've received:
I am writing for the first time to thank the Worldwide Church of
God and Ambassador College for the wonderful knowledge I have ac­
quired through the study of literature I received free of charge.
I wish to express my sincere thanks and deep gratitude to all who
make this wonderful information available.
I am eighteen years old and I have never been so excited and happy
by studying and searching through the Scriptures before. Through
my study of the Bible correspondence course, The PLAIN TRUTH mag­
azine and other literature, I feel that I have been brought
closer to God.
J.A. (Woonsocket, RI)
I want to thank you so very much for the YOUTH magazine. I read
most of the articles and they are very interesting. Ever since
last year, God has opened my eyes to see His Word. Now I realize
how important it is to be by God's side in His Family. I pray ev­
ery night and day to be in His Kingdom and I know now that I will
be if I study His Word and understand it. I'd also like to thank
all the writers of The PLAIN TRUTH and The GOOD NEWS.
Ever since I was eleven and a half, my life has really turned. to­
ward God. I wish everyone could understand God's Word so there
wouldn't be crime, death, hate, fighting, robberies and many more
things Satan has put into people's lives.
I hope someday I can be an Ambassador College student, I really
do. I can't believe how my life has changed. My dad and one sis­
ter are in the Church. I hope my other sister will find out how
important it is to be with God someday soon.
I have been with the Church since I was five and hope to stay
there all my life. I would like to tell you that you are always
in my prayers.
D.M., age 12 (McDonald, OH)
Your [Mr. Armstrong's] works are so wonderful! You have opened
my eyes to so much about God and my life. I am only 15 years old