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Index of "On the World Scene"
Rather than a report this week, I thought it would be good to publish an in­
dex of this column for the past year--actually, since the 1983 Feast of
Tabernacles. Perhaps it could be of some benefit to those of you thinking
about including prophetic material in your messages for this year's festi­
val. Whatever your needs in the coming months, an index should prove help­
ful in locating past material.
This is not a subject index.
I've listed the titles of each column in
chronological order. Where necessary, I have included additional explana­
tion in parentheses.
At this time I would like to express my appreciation for the nice comments I
have received from many of you regarding the "On the World Scene" column.
It's my pleasure, and the pleasure of the others on the News Bureau staff,
to serve you in this manner. Have a happy Feast!
--Gene H. Hogberg, News Bureau
On the Spot Middle East Report: Violence Wrecks Dim
Prospects for Peace (written from Jerusalem)
The Grenada Affair and Its Consequences
Grenada "Mop-Up"; Mr. Nixon Speaks Out (his hard­
nosed look at "real peace")
The "Rainbow" Issue; South Africa's Historic Vote
Missiles, Real and Mythical ("The Day After" film
plus the "nuclear winter" scenario)
Special Report, Part I: A New Era Begins in Europe;
The "German Question" Emerges Once Again
Special Report, Part II: A New Era Begins in Europe-­
In Confusion! The Common Market Reaches an
Impasse; West Germany's "Midlife Identity Crisis"
Special Report, Part III: (Conclusion): A New Era
Begins in Europe--Will It End Up as a Confed­
eration of "Two Self-Governing Halves"?
Terrorism's New Face; Iran's Holy War Steps Up;
Dejected Lebanese Lose Hope in America
"Lutherjahr" Inspires New Ecumenical Look at Pro­
testantism's "Great Reformer" (plus, a look
at American Catholicism, continued 1/13/84)
Jesse Jackson: A "Driven Man" Running Hard for
World's Top Elected Post
October 28, 1983
November 4, 1983
November 11, 1983
November 18, 1983
November 23, 1983
December 2, 1983
December 9, 1983
December 16, 1983
December 23, 1983
December 30, 1983
January 6, 1984