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training to either learn new skills or sharpen old ones in basketball,
volleyball, tennis, cycling, computers and speech, to name a few.
group seemed to be an exceptional one. Any of you who had young people here
from your church area can be assured they did nothing to embarrass you or
their parents. They were very responsive and enthusiastic about all their
Mr. Armstrong arrived on Wednesday, July 11, to see the camp in action and
took a small part in one activity. You have probably seen his picture in
THE WORLDWIDE NEWS putting at the golf course. He had stopped to see the
action and was asked to try his hand. I understand Mr. Jim Kissee offered
him a job if he wanted to stay and work with the campers. Needless to say,
the youngsters were surprised and pleased to have him join them for a short
The SEP group left and the next day a group of 157 arrived for a three-day
volleyball camp. The girls outnumbered the boys about two to one because
most fellows tend to think of volleyball as a girls' game. They quickly
learned that is not true.
If you watched any of the Olympic volleyball
games you know what I mean. The staff has done a great job working with
these groups this summer.
Everyone is now rushing to prepare for the beginning of the 1984 fall semes­
ter. We enter the year with a recertification from the Texas Coordinating
Board, which gave the college a license for two more years. We have 200
freshmen arriving on campus this week.
Soon the academic year will be
underway. Big Sandy will have about 25 to 30 more students than last year
(depending on how many can't make it because of finances or some other pro­
blem). The nearly 35 international students on campus this year will be a
great addition to the classes and activities.
Those of you who know Dr. Cliff Anderson will be pleased to know he is well
on the way to recovery.
The doctors tell him that he should be back in
class in a fairly short time, and they say he should have another twenty or
so years of life, which translates to mean a normal life span.
This summer the Student Services offices have been remodeled and a couple
of offices were added.
The job should be finished just in time to
facilitate the handling of all the new students.
Dean of Students Larry
Salyer and those who work with him are very happy with the new work area.
Dr. Don Ward and the Academic offices will also be moving into new offices
here in the field house.
All of us appreciate the upgrading and look
forward to more as the budget allows.
In closing, I want to again remind all you church pastors of the need, for
all those young people intending to apply to Ambassador College next year,
to take the SAT as soon as possible. The tests will be administered October
13, November 3, December 1, January 26, March 23, and June 1. The October
13 testing comes during the middle of the Feast. These dates are for Satur­
day testings. Sunday administrations usually follow immediately after the
Saturday date.
The SAT scores from the November 13 testing will not arrive in the Regis­
trar's Office before December 15. If applicants do not take the test in No­
vember, they should schedule themselves for January or March at the latest
to allow the results to be received in time for next year's acceptances.