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Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From the United States
GLENDORA, CA--JIM PEOPLES: The brethren are responding very en­
thusiastically to the material being conveyed to them from the
Refreshing Program. Recent Bible studies on diet and music have
gone over very well. Balance in diet is being stressed, and many
people have responded favorably to this, as well as the encour­
agement to be discerning about the music we allow our children to
listen to.
We had a YOU mini-camp (3�
days) north of Houston for any of the local YOU who wished to
attend. Mr. and Mrs. John Ogwyn did most of the planning and run­
ning of the activity and really did a terrific job.
The park
rangers said they had never seen such a fine group of young
people and that our church is welcome back any time.
HARRISBURG, PA--JIM ROSENTHAL: Thank you for the tapes of Head­
qua�ters sermons that are sent out on a twice-monthly basis.
They really help make the many hours of driving time more
CHARLOTTE, NC--GEORGE PINCKNEY: God's intervention in protecting
His people from serious injury has been evident this month. One
young man fell through the Sheetrock ceiling in an attic to the
floor 17 feet below. Miraculously, he had only minor injuries.
Another man was standing between two trucks when one suddenly
rolled into the other.
He was momentarily pinned across his
chest and pelvis. He was sore the next morning, but was thankful
that God spared him from what obviously could have been a very
serious injury.
TUPELO, MS--ROGER WEST: One of our members' daughters, 17 months
old, fell against the brick ledge under their stove. The doctor
at the hospital said her nose was broken and scheduled her to see
a plastic surgeon the next day.
The girl was anointed that
evening. The next day the doctor could find no trace of a break
and sent her home. He said she would be black and blue for three
weeks. By Sabbath, all marks were completely gone.
(Big Sandy Campus)
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
We have had a very active summer here in Big Sandy. We had the usual crush
of college year-end activities and graduation. Then on May 22 all the Big
Sandy faculty joined the faculty in Pasadena for the Refreshing Program.
Things went very well during the program and it proved valuable to everyone
who attended. The opportunity for the two faculties to be together is an
important one.
We had hardly gotten settled back here when SEP began.
There were 210
campers from all over the United States who spent three weeks in intensive