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New Assignments for the Philippines
After four years of service as Regional Director in the Philippines, Mr.
Guy Ames will be returning to the United States around the end of this year.
Mr. Ames has enjoyed and appreciated his assignment in the Manila office,
as have over 1900 of God's people in the Philippines. But due to certain
recurring health problems, he has asked to be relieved of the heavy load as
Regional Director.
Mr. Armstrong has approved Mr. Dean Blackwell as the new Philippine Re­
gional Director. Also, Mr. Armstrong has assigned Mr. Blackwell to conduct
a training program for the Philippine ministers, most of whom have never
had the benefit of Ambassador College instruction. The ministry will be
given special training in all aspects of Church doctrine, counsel!ing,
preaching, and other pastoral responsibilities. Mr. Ames is delighted with
the great opportunity and value Mr. Blackwell's assignment will afford the
Filipino ministry and brethren.
Mr. Armstrong has also approved the assignment of Mr. Rod Matthews of Min­
isterial Services in Pasadena to assist Mr. Blackwell as Office Manager.
Mr. Matthews is currently responsible to Mr. Tkach for international com­
munications and record keeping.
The Blackwells and Matthews will be leaving for Manila shortly after the
Feast of Tabernacles. This will ensure a smooth transition, allowing a six
to twelve week overlap with Mr. Ames. All will be present when Mr. Gerald
Waterhouse visits the Philippine churches in December.
International News
Update From the Netherlands From July 2nd through July 6th Messrs. Bram de
Bree and Johan Wilms attended the International Publishing and Editorial
Conference at Elstree House, Borehamwood, England, and visited the Alabas­
ter Passmore Presses at Radlett and Maidstone.
the Alabaster Passmore "Ambassador Press" at Radlett, shipped to
Ostend, Belgium, then mailed to subscribers in Holland and Belgium.
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong set the tone of the conference by putting emphasis
on teamwork and unity. The meetings that followed in the next three days of
the conference bore the fruits of his opening remarks. After the con­
ference ended, Messrs. David Hulme and Ray Wright visited the new offices
of the Dutch language area in Nieuwegein.
Income for July shows an increase compared to previous months--10.7% over
last year, with a year-to-date increase of 21.9%. Incoming mail is up 22.5%
while Personal Correspondence is up 304%. Outgoing mail is up 5.2%. Year
to date, 9,659 persons have renewed their subscriptions to De ECHTE WAAR­
HEID. The subscription list total stands at 56,376. The number of co­
workers is up by 24.1% and donors up by 43%.
Preparations for the Feast of Tabernacles at Hoogeveen are well under way.
Half of the services will be in Dutch and half in English. All Dutch ser­
vices will be simultaneously translated into English for the expected group
of 70 visitors. We are expecting a total registration of 400.