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get it out. Believe me, Jesus Christ through me is going to start
getting all the other branches out until we get it out of the little
twigs all over, all over in all parts of the world. That cancer has
got to be removed. This has got to be, once again, the real Church of
God, and not the church of Satan. So, as I say, we've been through the
wars and have been through the storm.
Well now, we don't know what will happen. At any time something could
be launched to unite Europe under the Vatican. It can only come through
the Vatican. The nations have already proved they cannot get themselves
together. They just can't do it. The Germans are not going to accept
the Frenchmen, and De Gaulle would have liked to have done it, but the
Germans wouldn't accept him. They were strong enough to keep him out.
The French and some other nations in it are not going to accept a German,
and there you go. They may have to accept a German when the Vatican
enters into it. The Vatican will decide who's going to be there--the
real "Beast," so to speak, in biblical language.
That brings us down to this time. This Church, this era, is the only
era of the Church that Christ did not find something against. To all the
rest He said, "I know your works." In other words, he complimented them,
you've done this and that and that's fine. He said, "But I have something
against you." He did not say to the philadelphia era "I have something
against you." Instead of that, he did say that we will be protected from
this yreat tribulation.
Now, the question is this, and I don't know myself. I would like to
discuss this with Dr. Hoeh and one or two others--rnaybe three, four, or
five others, whether this Church will just lapse into the Laodicean
condition or will it be another entirely different church with an en­
tirely different leadership, who are not members of this church at all.
One thing I do know, it'll be the Church of God. Anyone who has done
what my son has done could not start and lead the true Church of God.
So what he's doing cannot be the Laodicean Church, but if it is, it's
a lukewarm church, and Christ says he's going to spew it out of his
mouth. Now, I think it's in the 25th chapter of Matthew that he spews
half of it out of his mouth. Maybe the other half gets in, and there
are indications, of course, in the 3rd chapter of Revelation that many
in that church are going to go into the Kingdom of God. The Church as
a whole is in a lukewarm condition, but economically and financially
rich. Now, I don't think we could say we are rich after all the finan­
cial troubles we've been through all these years. I can't see how that
can apply to us. The lukewarmness, yes. We have to fight against that
all the time. But at least we're fighting against it. I'm doing every­
thing I can do now to try to stir up the brethren. I've found it has
gotten down to a case of lukewarmness in the last two Feasts of Tabernacle=
So I began to work with the men that were workiag on the Feast of Taber­
nacles and with the ministers. I sent a lot of things out to the
ministers who would do the speaking that most of you never heard of.
The result is that we did have spiritual revival in this Festival of
Tabernacles. It was a thing of joy, as they say, a beauty to behold,
at least to experience. A thing of joy forever. And I hope it will be
forever, too. So we're, I hope, coming out of that stage of lukewarm­
ness because we are the one who is carrying that Gospel that Christ
preached to the world for the first time in 1900 years. Everything fits,
and you can't deny it.