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Well, we are just waiting to see, but all these things... we know it's
coming. Now, I find that God will, on occasion when it's necessary,
just hold back the trend of world events until a certain thing that he
wants done is taken care of. For example, we come up to the sixth seal
in Revelation 6, and the signs in the sun and moon and stars have already
happened (at the end of the sixth chapter of Revelation). That is the
sixth seal.
It's time now for the seventh seal. So you come to the seventh chapter,
which should be the seventh seal, and instead, God sends an angel and
says, just hold everything up. We've got something to do that hasn't
been done yet. So we're just going to slow world conditions down until
we seal the servants of our God in their foreheads. That's when the
144,000 are to be sealed. That hasn't happened yet. And another great
innumerable multitude of people that have heard the Gospel over the air,
or read it in the Plain Truth or otherwise emanating from this campus,
and who have not come into the Church. They might have written in to
get more literature or they may not have. We wouldn't know. But I think
that many of those are then going to be sealed with the Spirit of God.
Now this will be after the Great Tribulation, which is the fifth seal,
and a terrible time of trouble. They will be people who have been
through that and survived and lived, and they will then be sealed. After
all of that, finally, then the seventh seal will be opened. The seventh
seal is the seven last plagues. That will take place at the precise
time of the second coming of Christ.
Now that's all just ahead of us in the future. It's something that you
should all live to see. It's going to be a very important thing in
your life. You have no idea what you may have to live through between
now and then, and the things we're going to go through.
There are those who want to dispute the idea that the seven churches of
Revelation 2 and 3 are successive eras of the church. I have said for
fifty-one years that they are not only seven eras, but also seven char­
acteristics that will be in the Church at all times, with the Laodicean
condition dominating in the last church. We haven't gotten to the last
era yet. But we're in the time when God has opened doors to get the
Gospel to the world. We are in the time when, for the first time in
1900 years, the real Gospel that Christ brought is going to the world.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the message Christ brought and preached.
That message has not been preached from--oh, we don't know the date, but
I'd say the churches had turned to another gospel (many of them) by the
late SO's A.D.--but we'll say from 70 A.O., after the invasion of
Jerusalem by the Roman armies, that it has not been preached to the
I came on the scene myself in the Sardis era. Now we have a lot of
people who want to take anything that Christ pu• into the Church through
me, and they want to knock it in the head and say, "That is wrong; that
is a false doctrine." We've had a lot of so-called intellects around
here on this campus, trying to do that very thing. And very sorrowfully,
I've had a son that has aided and abetted in that sort of thing. So
we're starting to sort of clean house a little bit around here. It's
a good deal like I've said, what had happened here to us is like a
cancer. I got the core of the cancer out, but it has other parts. It
will start reaching with its tentacles to the whole body if we don't