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Well, I won't take any more of
again after maybe a few weeks.
to you a few times through the
past years.
your time now. So I'll hope to be back
I'm going to plan to come in and speak
year, which I had not been doing in the
This is a rare occasion for me because it's the first time that I'll
be speaking since my daughter has become a member of the Church. My
daughter Carol, as reported in the WORLDWIDE NEWS was indeed baptized
two weeks ago last evening, I guess it was, by Mr. Bob Fahey in my
presence and the presence of Mr. Helge. I'll keep my remarks short
today. She's a pretty severe critic. She hands out her compliments
on people who speak before congregations very, very guardedly, although
last week she said that Mr. Cole's sermon was outstanding.
Mr. Armstrong mentioned his trip so I won't have to say anything about
it, although I had planned on it. We will be leaving about December 10
or December 11 for a two-week trip to the Middle East. Although we'd
hoped to be able to squeeze in Egypt at the same time, it just will
not be possible, so we're going to do the entire trip in Israel. We
have four members of our television crew who will be there to film
everything in 16 mm. film and we'll work that into some of our pro­
gramming in the future. We expect it to be a very important occasion
because it will commemorate the end of ten years of association in one
project after another and the beginning of a new decade. It was on
December 1, 1968 that Mr. Armstrong first met with the then president
of Israel, Or. Shazar, and agreed that we would commence what has
turned out to be a ten-year association. We're now planning to move
forward with the time that remains to us, of course, and we'll be
digging in the city of David.
I had the chance Wednesday for the first time to "plug", as they say,
Mr. Armstrong's book on someone else's television program. I was inter­
viewed by Mr. Michael Jackson on KCET {that's Public Television channel
28 in this area). They'll be giving us an airing date sometime in the
next week, but it'll probably be while Mr. Armstrong and I are away,
right about the middle of December.
It was interesting because I now see that for the first time, there
is much more interest in what we believe and what we are saying and
what we are doing about what we believe rather than other things which
in the past have made us somewhat, shall we say, victims of circumstance
and the controversy that from time to time has surrounded us. In 30
minutes, almost every question was directed to what do we believe. The
plug for Mr. Armstrong's book was very natural because Michael Jackson
was asking "Just what is man? What is man's puf"pose? And how do you
view that?" I said, "I'm not going to be able to answer that in the
little bit of time that we have left, but it just so happens one of
those books that I gave you (I had given him a copy of THE INCREDIBLE
HUMAN POTENTIAL), tells the whole story." Of course I
then able
to hold the book up••• I never expected to have that question asked
in just that way. But I said, "It has the answer to everything that
you intended to ask in the question, and even that which perhaps you
hadn't thought about."