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Dear Mr. Tkach:
I just wanted to write a short note to thank you for the third
round of the Refreshing Program. The value of this program can­
not be readily calculated, but I believe time will prove it to be
one of the most important uniting factors we have embarked upon.
It is important that we all speak with one voice and promote
unity within the Church and the ministry.
Please convey to Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong my appreciation for the
strong example he sets and for his continuing leadership. He is
in the prayers of God's people always.
This third round of the Refreshing Program was the one I per­
sonally enjoyed and profitted from the most.
Bob Berendt
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Greetings from Tampa and thanks for your efforts in making MRP
III very practical, helpful and successful for Patty and me. Not
only were the lectures excellent, it is evident that the Head­
quarters ministry and staff are living the way of give.
were extremely friendly and hospitable.
We especially appreciated the lectures on nutrition and exercise.
Hopefully, this information will pay off with a higher energy
level for some of us. It will take time, but I look forward to
implementing what we have been taught. Thank you and thank your
fine staff in Ministerial Services.
Ron and Patty Lohr
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
People Who Reestablish Contact With God's Church
We frequently hear from people who first contacted the Church years or even
decades ago, but for one reason or another lost touch with it. As the work
of the Church grows, many "rediscover" The PLAIN TRUTH or "WORLD TOMORROW"
program and begin receiving our literature once again.
Some are individuals who grew up in God's Church only to get caught up in
the world's ways in their teen-age years. Sadder but wiser, they seek to
live by God's laws in later life.
Others moved to new areas or became
engrossed in job and family responsibilities or educational opportunities.
Many express fond memories of reading The PLAIN TRUTH or listening to The
"WORLD TOMORROW" and are pleasantly surprised to find that Mr. Armstrong is
still preaching Christ's Gospel exactly as they remember.
People's interest is often greater the
second time around," after they
have experienced setbacks in their personal lives or begun to see prophecy
falling into place.
Following are some of the more interesting comments
we've received from people who have renewed their contact with God's