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My husband used to listen to you every day on his way to work.
Now retired, he lost track of you until we happened on your
program last week. You should have seen his smile--like he found
an old friend.
E.W. (Atco, NJ)
My grandmother listened to you on the radio when I was a young
girl sitting around the wood stove in the dark. Listening to you
preach sure brings back good memories.
K.H. (Westvilla, OK)
I used to listen to Mr. Armstrong 40 years ago when my children
were babies.
I listened today--didn't even know he was sti11
around. Today was the first time since then that I've heard the
Bible preached like it should be preached. It's amazing what he
can still do. I'm so happy to know he's still around.
M.J. (California, MD)
I'm back. What I mean by that is that I got confused because some
friends got me interested in another religion.
But the more I
studied with them the more I went back to reading the booklets
you have already sent me.
My wife and I had a long talk and we decided to stay with Mr.
Armstrong. With the booklets we have, we are going to start a
little library, where we can take a certain subject, and with a
booklet and our Bible sit down with our two daughters and study
as a family. Those booklets really help us to understand the
We have promised ourselves to take 10% of our paychecks and give
it to The "WORLD TOMORROW." We will no longer cheat God out of
His tithes.
J.M. (Medina, OH)
I listened over a decade ago to your broadcasts as a student in
college, but did not appreciate their content or message. Now,
11 years later when I am at an emotional and financial low, the
Worldwide Church of God resurfaces.
Perhaps we know that the
world is headed on the wrong course, but we are able to subjugate
our misgivings when we are in a headlong rush for material posĀ­
sessions. When the material collapses, we are forced to revert
to the search for basic truth.
G.B. (Racine, WI)
My mother has been a member of the Church for about twenty years
and I am 23 years of age, so you might say I was brought up in the
Unfortunately, I am not a member.
You see, I quit
attending when I was about 17 or 18 and started living the way of
get. I don't mind telling you that I wish I had kept on going to
church. Then, maybe I would not have done the things I have done
in the past five years, which
sorely regret.
I started attending church again in December of 1982, and now
look forward to observing the Sabbath. I feel I have learned a