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The office staff has been extremely busy this month handling the results
from the direct mail ad. We have already passed our projected total of a
4.2% response.
It had been estimated that we should receive 18,936
replies. As of this writing we have processed 20,048 responses. Analysis
of the test packages will take place over the next few weeks. This influx
of mail has impacted the monthly figures, which are as follows:
Total incoming mail:
Total outgoing mail:
Next month the outgoing mail will be up considerably as the introductory
PLAIN TRUTH is mailed to new people.
March saw a considerable drop in income. We registered a 1.6% increase for
the month, which brought the year-to-date figure to 14.7%. We are not sure
why this occurred and hope that it is only temporary.
Caribbean Update 1984 got off to a good start. At the end of February,
white mail was up 50% over February last year and 60% more than in January
this year. Forty-three percent of this came from TV and radio responses.
Regular mail is up 164% over February last year, and year-to-date income is
up slightly (0.4%) over 1983.
Right now the San Juan office is busy processing the hundreds of festival
applications we have received from members wanting to keep the Feast at one
of the Caribbean sites. We have been able to grant the requests of 90% of
the members who have applied. The 10% we have been unable to accommodate
were all applying for the Bahamas and Jamaica, both of which had to be
closed to further applications. The St. Lucia site at Castries also had to
be closed because of the heavy demand for limited accommodations there.
Appreciation for Ministerial Refreshing Program III
Dear Mr. Tkach:
Thank you for the opportunity to be in on the first session of the
third MRP. It is beyond words to describe the tremendous value
it was to us.
As I look back on the past refreshers, the first one got us put
back on the track. The second one got us moving in a positive di­
rection. And the third refresher was one of "fine tuning." We
sat through each class as if it were the most important subject
we had ever heard. The classes all mutually excelled one an­
other--proving how much God's Spirit was actively present. In
every way we were given a greater perspective of our calling, re­
sponsibilities, and future like nothing else before!
Upon returning home and giving an overview of the MRP to the
brethren, it was well received and all are excitedly looking for­
ward to the material that will be covered in the coming weeks and
Again, thank you for all the work that went into making this the
best refresher to date, and also for the superb hospitality that
Headquarters always gives.
Terry and Jeanette Mattson