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final week of college activities--including Field Day, the Graduation Ball,
and graduation exercises. So it will not be long until the 1983-84 college
year is over.
Thus far God has abundantly blessed His college this year. As usual we have
a few trials or problems along the way, but nothing of any real magnitude.
We who serve on the A.C. faculty are very blessed to be able to serve the
young people of God's Church by teaching them many priceless principles and
lessons--information which will be of lasting value to the students.
Recently, my wife and I returned from our visit to the Big Sandy campus.
While there I had a number of meetings, discussions, etc., with all of the
men serving in the administration of the College, and also got to visit with
a number of other members of the faculty and staff.
Eve and I enjoyed this visit to the Big Sandy campus even more than our
visit last year. This was partly due to the fact that we were at Big Sandy
about six weeks later this year. Early April is a perfect time to visit the
Big Sandy campus, for it is when the beautiful white-blossom dogwood trees,
the red-blossom red bud trees, and other trees and flowers are in full
bloom. Also, the tender, green spring foliage was bursting out all over the
campus. Last Sabbath I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the late afternoon sun
set over Lake Loma, as the ducks paddled serenely on the placid lake.
In addition to the spring splendor of the Big Sandy campus, it was more
attractive than a year ago from another point of view. The College has
installed a completely new wood fence along Highway 80. Also, some of the
buildings have been refurbished, with fairly fresh new paint on the Library
Building and other structures on campus.
But most attractive was the warmth and friendliness of the people at the
College--the faculty, students, and staff. Everyone was very helpful, and
we had a most enjoyable and profitable stay.
During my nine-day stay at Big Sandy, I was able to teach a number of
classes (Life and Teachings of Jesus, Marriage and the Family, Survey of
the Old Testament), and spoke at a forum. In addition I was able to give
the Bible study at Big Sandy last Sabbath evening, then spoke to the Tyler
Church the following Sabbath morning. The first Sabbath I was at Big Sandy,
I gave the sermon to the Big Sandy Church in the afternoon.
While at Big Sandy, I was also able to speak to a number of students who
hope to be able to enter the B.A. program at Pasadena when they graduate
from Big Sandy. Again this year, I felt my visit was very profitable in
every way. These faculty exchanges permit various ones of us serving in
College Administration on the two campuses to discuss various matters
(student applications, various problems, student transfers, etc.) which
relate to both campuses.
Such faculty exchanges enable all of us to keep in touch, bringing the two
campuses closer together. This helps all of us to keep Ambassador College
truly one college. If Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong approves (which I am sure
that he will), we hope to have similar faculty exchanges during successive
years of the College.
It was again quite refreshing to all of us here in Pasadena to have another
group of ministers and their wives back on campus to attend the third