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heightened awareness and perception of flaws, God is also
granting additional portions of His Spirit for the families to
begin getting priorities and their lives straightened out. A
constant flow of second generation young people are now re­
questing baptism and God is granting them a repentant spirit.
Enthusiasm is high and all are excited with news of Mr.
Armstrong's recent trips and new concept of the two trees in
Genesis. Thanks for the sermon tapes! The people express that
it is helping to expand their perception that this church is
truly united as no other church and that we all speak the same
CHARLOTTE, NC--GEORGE PINCKNEY: A most dramatic example of God's
healing involved the husband of one of our members, who was told
that he had an aneurism that would be fatal if he didn't have open
heart surgery.
He called to be anointed, and the next day
another test was performed that didn't reveal any abnormality at
all. The doctor even had one of his colleagues perform the tests
again. They again found nothing wrong with him and released him
from the hospital that same afternoon.
PORTLAND, ME--LEONARD HOLLADAY: We had two auto accidents which
totaled the members' cars. In both cases the children were in
the car with the parents. Of five kids none were hurt. The
parents were bruised and one was cut in the face. One vehicle was
hit by a snowplow. God protected both carloads mightily! The
members are closer and far more concerned about one another now
than ever before.
YANKTON, SD--GEORGE AFFELDT: A severe winter storm caught almost
every one of our members in the three church areas on February
Members two miles from home had to spend the night in
motels, farm houses or rest areas. Stories of divine protection
were common. The storm killed 31, but of the members here in
South Dakota, everyone got home safely on Sunday.
CONCORD, NH--KEN WILLIAMS: One family was nearly asphyxiated in
our area. The member and her husband had gone to bed with the TV
turned on. The volume was barely audible. At 11:00 p.m. the news
came on and the sound suddenly was increased enough to wake her
up. She felt as if she had a weight on her chest--she couldn't
breathe. As she struggled to her feet the thought came to mind
that she should go to the kitchen and check the range. She found
that one of the burners had been bumped on and the pilot had gone
out. The house was full of gas. Her husband and children were in
heavy sleep. Only after opening windows and a door was she able
to revive them. They were all sick the next day but alive. She
feels God caused the TV to increase in volume and that He
inspired her to check the range.
(Pasadena campus)
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
We have only one more week of classes before the Passover-Days of Un­
leavened Bread break. Then only a week of classes, a week for tests, and a