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session of the Ministerial Refreshing Program. Regrettably, my wife and I
were not able to invite any of this group to our home because we were in Big
Sandy during most of the two weeks of that session, but I am sure they will
all understand.
My wife and I plan to be back in the eastern part of the U.S. for the
Passover and the first day of Unleavened Bread. We look forward to meeting
with the ministers and brethren in Wilmington and Laurel, Delaware for the
Sabbath, then plan to be in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for the first part of
the Feast. May God inspire all of us ministers and our wives to serve His
people during the coming festival season with love and zeal.
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
More New Subscriptions in Three Months Than First 27 Years
As the Gospel goes forth in greater power than ever, the number of new
people responding is breaking all records. To demonstrate how dynamically
the work of the Church is growing, more people were added to the
subscription list in the first three months of this year than in its first
27 years!
From early 1934 to August of 1960, 431,346 people were put
From January through March of this year, 433,564 were added.
has never experienced such exposure and phenomenal growth as
As Jesus Christ said, "The harvest truly is plenteous."
Literature Requests as a Result of Your Recommendations
on our files.
God's Church
it has today.
As you may remember, when a person contacts us and specifically mentions
that he is requesting literature recommended by one of our ministers, we
automatically send it by first class mail. Therefore, to ensure that he
quickly receives the material you have suggested, please ask him to state
that it is !2.l your request. We can then separate these priority requests
from the thousands of others that are sent by more economical, slower third
class mail. We would appreciate it if you could help us keep down postage
costs by having only PMs who are growing toward baptism use this faster
Occasionally members and prospective members ask for literature that has
been recommended by a minister, but which is out of print and no longer
available. In order to help eliminate this situation, new updated litera­
ture indexes (by subject and lit code) are enclosed for your eersonal bene­
fit and use. (Please do not duplicate, post or distribute for member use.)
Also, we would like to once again restate Mr. Armstrong's policy regarding
The WORLDWIDE NEWS: The WORLDWIDE NEWS is sent to baptized members only.
Members are automatically placed on the subscription list. Therefore, we
are unable to send the WN to new people who are not yet members.
It is our pleasure to assist you in serving people who are showing a strong
interest in the Church and whom God may be calling. We felt that reviewing
these matters would help us to serve you better.