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Celebrities Contact God's Church
For more than fifty years, God's Church has been "sowing the seed" of the
true gospel throughout the United States and the world. Millions have been
reached, including people from all strata of society.
Among those who contact us to request literature are dozens of celebrities,
government officials and other well-known people.
Some are prominent
actors and actresses, singers and entertainers, coaches of professional
sports teams and television news personalities.
Individuals in public
office or government service include a number of U.S. congressmen and
senators, mayors, and the consul generals of foreign countries.
Because our address files are confidential, we cannot publish their names,
but many would be instantly recognized. It is evident that God's Church is
truly reaching people from all walks of life.
Teen-agers Respond to God's Truth
More and more young people are writing and calling in response to The PLAIN
TRUTH magazine and Mr. Armstrong's broadcasts.
Many tell us they are
deeply moved by God's truth, and want to live better lives. Some are even
willing to give up friends rather than continue in the world's ways.
Following are some recent letters from teen-agers:
I would like to take the time to commend you on all of your great
worldwide efforts. I am a 17-year-old high school senior. The
first time I saw your television show I was overwhelmed. I knew
that Mr. Armstrong was truly a man of God.
I have always tried to live a Christian life but needed help. The
church that I am officially a member of wasn't teaching me any­
Your booklets and magazines are the guidelines to my
I can see changes in my life. Life is clearer now.
Thank you.
I will be graduating in May and looking for a good college. In
your PLAIN TRUTH magazine I read an article on Ambassador
College. Can you give me some more information about it?
T.M. (Pegram, TN)
I would like to give you some information on how I learned of you.
I was living in Virginia and was on drugs and drinking alcohol.
When I decided to stop, I couldn't handle the pressure and stress
of life. Then I got colitis and couldn't handle that either, and
dropped out of school. My parents didn't agree with that so I de­
cided to leave at 17 years of age and go to Pennsylvania to live
with my grandparents.
I figured that I needed something else in my life and started
watching religious programs on TV. I knew God was the answer,
but on these programs they make everything seem so easy. All you
have to do is say a prayer and you're saved and going to heaven.
One night I was turning from station to station on the radio and
heard you. I really liked your preaching. I knew you were di£-