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ferent when at the end of your half-hour you didn't plead for
money like the others. You were preaching different things than
I had ever heard before. Then I happened to find a magazine of
yours in the house and found out at what times you were on the
radio and TV.
I have learned from and enjoyed your booklets and radio sermons
so much that I sent for more booklets and the Ambassador College
Bible Correspondence Course. I am also sending you a contribu­
tion to use where you need it.
S.S. (Mt. Pleasant, PA)
I am seventeen years old and have been watching your show for
well over three years. The more I watch it, the better I feel.
It is the best religious show on television. I really like it be­
cause it is very interesting and keeps my attention. I also like
the way you show pieces of film that show people all the troubles
going on in the world.
T.B. (Muncie, IN)
I am fifteen years old and have a part-time job now and I would
like to start tithing. So, I am sending in tithes from my last
three paychecks.
I also want to thank you for the Bible correspondence course and
YOUTH 84. I have learned a lot of things about the Bible and
about my life that I hadn't understood before. Thank you very
M.T. (Ingram, TX)
Right here in my room I have the Holy Bible, a whole bunch of your
articles and 31 of your booklets. I always look forward to get­
ting a new one.
I feel so special sometimes when I'm with my friends. They don't
live the way of life that I live and don't know the secrets that I
I wish I could tell them but they would just think I was
stupid, and don't know how to have fun. I feel sorry for them.
Every night, however, I ask God to take care of them.
I don't really even like being with my friends anyway. Once you
learn about God you can't stand it when somebody swears or wants
to think about and do lustful things. I am so glad that I'm not
like that and I thank Jesus and the Father. I also want to thank
you� you have helped me more than you probably know.
K.O. (Gilbertsville, PA)
I watched your TV show on Sunday and really enjoyed it. I usually
don't like to watch preaching on TV, but your sermon was great. I
saw where I could get a magazine about the gospel and I would love
to get it.
I would also like you to know that since I watched your show, I
have been trying my hardest to become a better Christian. Some­
thing came to me like a new light--a reason to live. Even though
some of my friends smoke dope and drink, I want to be a Christian,
even if it means losing them. I pray for them all the time.