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to receive many compliments from visiting ministers and wives attending the
MRP, and also receive many commendations concerning student conduct from
both Church members and nonmembers who visit the campus.
On Friday, March 23rd, my wife and I will leave Pasadena on our eight-day
trip to the Big Sandy campus where I will lecture in a number of classes,
speak at the Forum and at one of the Bible studies, and give a couple of
All of us feel that these faculty exchanges between the two
Ambassador College campuses are very worthwhile for all concerned, and hope
to be able to continue them year after year.
Those of us who serve the students at God's College ask your continued
prayers that we shall continue to be inspired and empowered to serve the
students diligently, going beyond the call of duty as we help train the
future leaders of God's Church.
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
Accounts of God's Intervention Shared
We contir1ually receive letters describing dramatic healings and other mi­
raculous examples of God's intervention in the lives of members, co-workers
and PLAIN TRUTH subscribers.
Here are just a few examples of recent
• A man with a serious back injury which occurred in the 1950s was
• A woman who was paralyzed and near death was healed after asking for an
anointed cloth.
• One person's rheumatoid arthritis cleared up completely after 17
• A woman's grandson recovered from a near-fatal auto accident in just
six weeks, after she requested prayers.
In addition to these incidents, there are many reports of healing of ad­
vanced cancer, disappearance of tumors and kidney stones, and rapid mending
of broken bones.
Here are a few other incidents which illustrate God's
• A man who expected to be laid off with others in his company was not
only kept on, but received a raise.
• Several farmers reported high crop yields despite poor weather.
• A member's car, which she had to stop suddenly to avoid hitting some
SO-gallon drums which had fallen on the highway, spun mysteriously so
that it received only glancing blows rather than direct hits.
�ese are just a small sampling of the many letters we receive weekly and
monthly. They point out the powerful truth that God is on His throne and
continuing to work miracles daily for those being called at this time.