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Compiling lists of cities and towns in various countries from de­
tailed maps. This data is used by our International Mail Center
to ensure correct address and postal code information.
Packaging of "Young Ambassador" tapes for mailing.
Placing copies of our letters and publications in special racks
used by employees who answer mail.
This cooperative effort greatly aids MPC and other departments in making
maximum use of available manpower. Last year WATS personnel handled more
than 700,000 items in their "off-phone" work.
This year, with record
amounts of mail expected, we hope that even more will be accomplished.
Postal Center Uses Mail Bags by the Truckload
Here's a bit of incidental news we thought you would find interesting.
About every two months, our Postal Center receives a thirty-foot trailer
load of mail sacks for use in sending out church literature. Each trailer
holds about 17,000 bags.
Since the Church is Pasadena's second-largest
mailer (the Bankamericard Center is the biggest), in the past we would
often to;;ally deplete the local supply of sacks.
To alleviate this
problem, the U.S. Postal Service now delivers them directly to us from
their supply center in Phoenix, Arizona.
Readers Prove Mr. Armstrong Right
A number who contact God's Church are at first skeptical, even antagonistic
toward our teachings and doctrines. Some start out determined to prove Mr.
Armstrong wrong. But after thorough study, they are forced to admit that he
is right after all and that it was their former beliefs which are in error.
Following are some interesting comments from such people:
I felt I had to tell you that I will not swallow your teachings
hook, line and sinker! I will continue to read your literature
if only to try to prove you wrong (which I am beginning to think I
cannot do). If, in the course of my study, I come to the con­
clusion that you are indeed right, I will let you know. I must
thank you for opening the Bible as a book of study for today, and
not just some great dark unfathomable mystery.
A.T. (Muskegon, MI)
I'm a firm believer in God's advice "to prove all things." Yes, I
diligently sift through Mr. Armstrong's booklets too. God does
work in mysterious ways--all my "buts," "maybes," and excuses are
being stripped from me. I'd like very much for you to relay the
following to Mr. Armstrong: in trying to prove him wrong, I've
ended up proving him right and me wrong!
E.S. (Ironwood, MI)
I must write to tell you how much I appreciate all the pub­
lications I have received from you so far--The PLAIN TRUTH, GOOD
NEWS and Bible correspondence course plus many of your booklets.
There have been a number of times while reading your articles
when I said to myself, "I got 'em on this one," only to find you
are right again.
G.H. (National City, MI)