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My husband and I have been married a little over six years. I've
grown up listening to you and believing the Gospel but my husband
hadn't. So he finally decided to prove you wrong. He started
this on his own. I had nothing to do with it. All I've ever said
to him in all these years is prove it wrong and I'd believe
anything he wanted me to believe.
So all of a sudden he did try and then said, "One of the hardest
things I've ever had to do is to say I was wrong and that hurts."
I said "Mr. Armstrong has always said that." Now he hungers for
the truth and wishes to pay his tithe, which he's never done
S.G. (Moscow, TN)
I don't swallow things whole--I'm a digger and I see that I've
been wrong! That's refreshing to me. I'm 61 years old and have
been in and out of 13 "Christian" churches. This is the only
[real] one. He [ Mr. Armstrong] calls himself an apostle and wow,
I believe it!
V.H. (Boulder, CO)
Please allow me first to say thank you for all the booklets and
Bible correspondence course lessons you have sent me. Over the
past year and a half or so, I've been having my eyes and ears
opened by Mr. Armstrong's broadcasts and all the printed material
from the Worldwide Church of God.
I took
challenge and
started to check into and prove (or disprove) the beliefs which I
had blindly accepted for so long. I proved to my satisfaction
that the Worldwide Church of God is God's true Church.
With that proof, I started to change my life and the course it was
on. I started keeping the Sabbath and I got in contact with the
Church's local minister. For the last two months I've been at­
tending Sabbath services, and most recently my wife has come
along also.
I will be speaking to the minister soon about
R.R. (Somersworth, NH)
After reading your magazine and literature I always check my
Bible. I have never caught you wrong in any of your statements
pertaining to Bible scripture. Sometimes it's a little hard to
grasp, but it always stands up.
W.W. (Alexander, NC)
I have been receiving The PLAIN TRUTH magazine for almost one
year now, along with countless booklets all free of charge. I am
amazed at the accuracy of your interpretations and translations
of the subjects in your writings. You and your staff are to be
commended. I check out each and every translation with YOUNG'S
ANALYTICAL EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE and find that you are right on
the money each and every time.
You are batting 1000.
plugging away and telling it like it is, The PLAIN TRUTH.
I have
J.B. (North Bergen, NJ)
increased my knowledge tremendously by reading
your literature.
At first I was apprehensive,