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Because some members in your congregation may have questions about our
renewal policy, you may want to read this information to them.
Military Service Personnel Respond to God's Work
Among those being reached by God's truth are servicemen from the armed
forces. Facing the danger of war is a sobering experience and motivates
some of them to turn to God in search of the meaning of life.
literature provides spiritual answers, comfort and inspiration, enabling
them to better cope with loneliness and the harsh realities of military
Many explain how their lives are becoming more joyful and
enriched as they develop a closer relationship with God.
Following are
some of their comments:
Thank you for sending my first copy of The PLAIN TRUTH. As a
Naval officer, I need to be well-informed of world events. I am
impressed with and excited over the scholarship and content of
your government and economy-oriented articles.
As a Christian, I appreciate a publication which gives a Godly
perspective to current issues.
Thanks also to the person who
left his copy of The PLAIN TRUTH in the dental building at North
Island, so that I might pick it up.
J.B. (San Diego, CA)
I am in the service (U.S. Navy) and when we went on cruise last
year, I stopped paying tithes, neglected to read my Bible and
started following my navy friends, doing what a typical sailor
would be doing on his "liberty." As usual, I ended up broke like
my companions after every liberty port.
A few months ago I started reading my Bible again and I now
realize what a grievous mistake I have made (especially when I
read Ezekiel 18:24). It really made me think twice! I have been
through a lot of temptations and I have been swayed, but now I'm
trying and constantly asking God's help to put me back on the
right track.
R.L. (FPO San Francisco, CA)
I've recently had the pleasure of reading your publication The
PLAIN TRUTH. I want to thank you for providing such an informa­
tive, eye-opening magazine to all of us who are thirsting for
true understanding of the Scriptures. Using your articles, my
Bible is becoming increasingly clearer.
I am in the U.S. Marines, stationed at Cherry Point, N.C.
need for a magazine like yours in my area is great. I would like
to request a few of your additional booklets if I may, to aid my
knowledge of world events and biblical teachings. Also, would
you please enroll me in the Ambassador College Bible
Correspondence Course. My wife and I would like a study guide to
help us study our Bible.
S.R. (Havelock, NC)
I am in the Air Force and I started reading The PLAIN TRUTH when
my mom subscribed to it for me. Since reading it and a couple of