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free in New York City that I picked up a copy and read it on the
way home. I enjoyed the magazine immensely and am interested in
learning more of what you have to say.
P.F. (Provo, UT)
I am fully interested in your magazine of understanding, The
PLAIN TRUTH. It is of great value to me. I have decided not to
renew my subscription because here in Grand Central Station, New
York, there are lots of PLAIN TRUTH magazines placed in a stand
that are free for everyone. It is on the way to my work.
A.R. (Orangeburg, NY)
I picked up a copy of The PLAIN TRUTH in Grand Central Station
last week, and I think your display rack is inviting and should
be about as far-reaching as any spot in the world.
J.D. (Lecompton, KS)
I notice your PLAIN TRUTH magazines in the subway here in Chicago
and they don't last very long. People are really hungry for
religious truth these days. Thank you for helping so many people
bacl< to God.
Big Sandy WATS Lines Being Readied
M.H. (Chicago, IL)
--Ray Wright, Publishing Services
All systems are go for the Big Sandy WATS operation to start on Friday,
February 10. The staff is now settled in, and the necessary equipment has
been installed. By the time you receive this update, students and Church
members will have been hired and be well into their training to take phone
calls. The only major step that remains to be taken is for the telephone
company to plug in and activate the incoming lines.
Magazine Renewal Policy for Members and Co-workers
Members and co-workers frequently ask if they ever need to renew their
PLAIN TRUTH and GOOD NEWS subscriptions. It is not necessary to do so-­
since member/co-worker subscriptions are automatically renewed each year.
However, the YOUTH magazine must be renewed by all those wishing to
continue receiving it, including Church members. They do so by returning
the renewal notice when it is sent.
The PLAIN TRUTH Circulation Department has an ongoing renewal program for
the "regular" category of subscribers to ensure that all who receive the
magazine truly want it.
For this reason, renewal reminders are often
placed in the semiannual letter and in the magazine itself.
These are
directed toward regular subscribers only.
Also, subscription lists of other magazines are occasionally purchased, and
letters offering The PLAIN TRUTH are sent to the people on these lists.
Therefore, members and co-workers who subscribe to such magazines may
possibly receive PLAIN TRUTH advertisements. These should be disregarded.