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PLAIN TRUTH Display Island Program Very Successful
PLAIN TRUTH newsstand distribution through the lighted display islands is
progressing extremely well.
As of our last survey, almost 130,000
newsstand copies per month are being distributed by our brethren on 56
display islands in 37 airports and commuter railway stations in major
population centers in the United States.
Thousands upon thousands of people are being given the opportunity to learn
of Christ
s true Gospel message through this important promotional program.
Below are excerpts of letters from people who picked up copies of The PLAIN
TRUTH at some of these locations:
Finding The PLAIN TRUTH in airports has from time to time been an
inspiration during flights for me.
K.B. (Wichita Falls, TX)
I said a prayer of thanks to see The PLAIN TRUTH magazine stand-­
where? Of all places in the subway in Chicago.
M.F. (Chicago, IL)
It has been my great pleasure and surprise to read a couple of
samples of The PLAIN TRUTH magazine, which I found in Penn
Station, New York. I never thought I would be so engrossed when I
first picked one up, but now I can
t seem to put it down.
I have also noticed that many people on the trains read your
magazine. It truly is an eye-opener. Thank you for the oppor­
tunity to learn more about the Bible without any misconceived
notions that most religions teach. I am very grateful.
F.V. (Newark, NJ)
I picked up The PLAIN TRUTH magazine at Grand Central Station
because Mr. Armstrong always talks about it on his lectures.
J.K. (Bronx, NY)
I picked up your magazine in a train station today. The PLAIN
TRUTH had my fullest attention for the entire hour which I spend
traveling on the train.
D.L. (Dix Hills, NY)
I first learned of your magazine while waiting to board a flight
for West Germany in the JFK International Airport in compliance
with military orders--! am a career member of the U.S. Army. It
was in the waiting area that I picked up a copy of The PLAIN
TRUTH. Although I did not realize it then, it was to have an
enormous impact on my life. Throughout the subsequent hours of
the flight I read and reread the magazine.
M.K. (Fort Wayne, IN)
While in New York last week, I saw in the Penn Station a rack with
copies of your magazine. I was so amazed that anything could be