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the various little booklets, I am more conscious of life's
problems and better understand my personal upsets. I always have
believed in Jesus Christ but never realized just how much more
there is to know and try to understand about His teachings.
Being in the military and knowing you could be sent at any time to
war is a frightening thing. From your literature and Bible pro­
phecy I know it won't be too long and the thought of it just about
paralyzes me. I hear children speaking about nuclear weapons and
their effects and it depresses me to hear the despair in their
voices and the hopelessness they foresee. I know if we are true
believers and have extreme faith, worrying won't be a part of our
lives. Unfortunately the devil has done a pretty good job of
confusing everyone and it makes me angry. Well I'd like to say
thanks for your fabulous literature.
M.G. (Grissom AFB, IN)
At the present time, I am a soldier stationed at Fort Sill,
Oklahoma. When I leave the States, it is usually for a three year
stay in Germany. Over there I have very little chance for any
type of church so I always have such a loss for worship and very
lit�le motivation for Bible study.
But now, thanks to some prayers that have been answered, I not
only have your magazine but also the Bible co4rse. I am keeping
these publications so I can take them with me when I go to Germany
again and enjoy them again and again. I can't express enough to
you just what your publications have meant to mei I am so thank­
ful for them. Please keep me on your monthly mailing list.
A.S. (Fort Sill, OK)
I'm in the United States Marine Corps. I'm told that I'm a marine
seven days a week, 24 hours a day. They don't keep the Sabbath
nor recognize God as King of the universe. The Corps thinks it's
the best of them all.
But I found a new beginning in life when God called me to be in
His Church. I repented (though I am not yet baptized) and study
God's Word each day. Last Saturday I attended my first Sabbath
service--it was beautiful. But I'll be unable to attend another
Sabbath service for awhile due to the fact that I'm in the Marine
Corps. I have faith in God that soon I'll be out of the Corps and
develop a newer and better life towards God. So I send you the
first of many tithes so the gospel of the Kingdom of God will be
preached throughout the world.
D.G. (Groten, CT)
I have enjoyed reading your magazine for more than three years
now. I am finding each issue very informative and enlightening.
I am a military service member (U.S. Navy) presently stationed at
Subic Bay, Philippines. Over the years I've found that several
of my shipmates from various parts of the world also enjoy
reading your magazine. That's great: When I don't have a par­
ticular issue, I've been able to read their's and vice versa. I
look forward to receiving the next issue of The PLAIN TRUTH.
T.B. (FPO San Francisco, CA)