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feeding and the nourishing must first come in due season to make that
harvest possible. God's way is for those who till the soil and work in
the fields to do all those things necessary to produce the harvest
to work with diligence, with industry and with care. When this is done,
God blesses those labors with abundant yield.
Any farmer knows that what he reaps in the fall is going to be
commensurate to what he did in the spring and summer.
What I am saying is that I believe with all� being that God
wants to give us a "bumper crop" this year. He is the One who gives
us that increase. That's His are� and He can do it well! But doing
the work in the "spring and summer" -- that's our work and we need to
do that well -- always with sincere prayer for God�uidance and
Mr. Armstrong has written much in recent weeks and months about
the need for unity and teamwork in Christ's Church. Recently, I have
tried to follow Mr. Armstrong's lead and take some of the initiative
in efforts to bring this team-spirit, unity, mutual esteem and support
to a greater realization.
I am asking each of you to review Mr. Armstrong's article in the
Pastor's Report dated July 24th. On page 4 we are clearly instructed
not to preach contrary to the Church's official teachings. We are part
or-a team to pull together, not cause division.
Read again the Report dated September 11th. In this article Mr.
Armstrong is profuse in expressing his gratitude and love for the loyalty
of the ministers in standing staunchly behind him, behind Christ and the
GREAT GOD OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN! But he has instructed us to serve in
On the top of page 4 Mr. Armstrong said, "Your diligence, loyalty
and faithfulness, coupled with the leadership that the living Christ
enables me to give you -- THAT IS THE TEAMWORK AND UNITY, under Christ's
guidance, inspiration and power, that has continued to pull God's Church
through all attacks by Satan."
Fellow ministers, this instruction is our "WORK ORDER." Our cue
is taken from the instructions given by the Apostle of Jesus Christ
guiding His Work today.
As you all well know, we do not believe in so-called "witchhunts."
We don't snoop to find dirt, negative reports and accusations so we can
move against the accused. God's Word says not to receive an accusation
brought against an elder, but rather that every word is to be established
by two or three witnesses.
During the sometimes turbulent, confusing times we have endured,
we have not always even acted on the reports of two or three witnesses.
Rather, we have tried to understand the contributing factors, uncertain
conditions and at ti�es lack of adequate answers.
However, the time has come to act. Patience, mercy, trust, justice
and fair treatment will continue. But, we simply are going to take