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Greetings fellow ministers:
It was very good to see many of you at the Festival sites I
visited during the Feast of Tabernacles. Rushed schedules during the
Feast do not normally permit very much opportunity to get together with
many of you, but what there is certainly is always a delight to me.
Mr. Armstrong's Pastor's Report copy just after the Feast, followed
by his Co-Worker letter dated October 23rd were very encouraging. Let
me quote one brief paragraph: "The ecstasy -- the inspiration -- the
gratitude -- the praise to God for this year's wonderful Festival still
holds me enthralled!" Those are truly beautiful words. They're in­
spiring and motivati�s, uplifting and encouraging!
Thanks deeply to each one of you who worked so hard, stood solidly
in the "gaps," dealt faithfully with the problems, gently steered with
loving care the troubled members through the rough places, fought
vigorously against the forces of Satan our adversary -- all of which
contributed dynamically to making such a wonderful Feast possible.
I believe there are several important things to be observed from
this Feast. First and foremost is that the Brethren in God's Church
around the world have once again clearly shown that they are converted
(I'm talking about the masses -- not the exceptions), that they meant
it when they said "It's all the way with Christ" at the time of repen­
tance and baptism.
I believe they have shown that they are not weak
but rather are "strong in the Lord," with the quality of endurance, are
dedicated to this Work in good attitudes, and are loyal to God and the
Great Commission of His Church.
Further, I feel that God's people have, as though with a common
voice and in a "shout of acclamation," said to Jesus Christ our Head
and Chief Administrator, to Mr. Herbert Armstrong our leader among men
and to us in Christ's ministry, the shepherds of His people, that "We're
with you -- we've seen the turn around and we like it. Even if we may
not know every detail about what's happening and why, we do see the
reorientation, the redefinition of goals and purposes and we're with it
all the way!" I believe this Feast of Tabernacles constituted a massive
"vote of confidence" in this Work's leadership.
Now, in my assessment, our brethren are saying "Since we've made
the 'turn' let's get our 'act together,' let's see growth and God's
Church on the move once again; let's reach out to this world in ever
more power with Christ's message of hope, promise and an abundant future!"
Our Festival attendances were a plus this year and thankfully more
than we anticipated. Offerings were considerably .better than last year
in relationship to attendance figures. Ou� brethren are indeed "the
givingest people in the world" as one Evangelist expressed it during
the Feast.
Next year, there
no reason why our attendance totals worldwide
can't be substantially higher than this year's. God's way is that
will give an abundant harvest.
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