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In the last one on 30 October, the subjects ranged from what
financial help the Work gives Mr. Al Portune to which ministers have
joined Mr. GTA. No questions were unanswered.
so that everyone can benefit from this forum, the transcripts
will be published in the Good News. Regular forums of this type
are planned for the future. This openness and candor will help to
stop the rumor mill.
Finally, the seditious practice of fracturing into camps within
the Church must stop. That is what Satan did; he got all those
around him to view with suspicion and malice those that were outside
their sphere group!
There should not be "we" and "they" within the Body of Christ.
We should all be "us".
Christ gave clear commands to keep division out of His Church.
He said "if your brother shall trespass against you" (Matt. 18:15)
or if "thy brother has ought against thee" (Matt. 5:23) Go to him
directly and get it solved. That instruction was given by Christ
How many reasons can most of us give for not doing it? Regard­
less of the excuse, we are not doing what God says. Disunity is the
God's Church has gone through an extremely trying, sorrowful
time. If we can learn and grow from it, as a Body, God can use us
more effectively.
Words, conversations, fellowship will always and forever be a
part of the Church of God. If those words are of a spirit that helps
Christ's final prayer to be fulfilled, God can put us in a position
to bring light to all that are in the house. If not, we deserve
to be hidden under a bushel!
I certainly agree with Mr. Fahey's remarks. I want to do every­
thing I can to clear up any rumors or gossip that involve my areas of
responsibility. But your help and cooperation is needed.
All of you that receive the Pastor's Report should f�el free to
write to me asking for my comments on any rumor you may have heard. I
will write a personal reply to each letter. It needs to be emphasized
that any question on ANY subject is welcome. The questioner will not
be presumed to believe the rumor or gossip he is asking about unless he
states that he does. Rather it will be assumed that he is trying to
help stop rumors and the harmful effects they produce in the Church.
Letters should be sent to me marked "personal".
circumstances, information can be requested by phone.
best kept to a minimum and only during working hours.
In exceptional
This is obviously
Questions of interest to the whole Church or that are often
asked may be published in the Worldwide News. The name of the
questioner will not be published in these1nstances.
By this method, present and future rumors should be put to rest.
--Stanley R. Rader