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action against ministers who preach and/or teach
than that which they received and were taught in
not a threat, it is a simple statement of fact.
or fear except the guilty.
any other doctrine
t�e Church.
This is
No one need to worry-
confusion, disorder and disunity are not God's way.
If any
differences in understanding exist or should occur, there is a way to
deal with them.
But, causing confusion among the brethren is not one
of those ways.
I realize these are strong words but they are said in love.
first of all to God's Work and our brethren and love toward all of you
even the few who may not be able to further walk with us.
wish to relieve such people of the pressure to do something they no
longer believe.
Thanks again for the great job the vast majority of you are doing.
Keep it up and let's work together in love and harmony and reap the
blessings God will give as a result of our diligent labors.
Sincerely, in Christ's service,
C. Wayne Cole