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when we received ninety-two trays containing about 85,000 letters. This is
the third highest response to a semiannual since 1979.
It also appears certain that last year's all-time record of total mail re­
ceived (3.8 million.pieces) will be surpassed.
Children's Letters to Mr. Armstrong
Some of the most inspiring and heart-warming letters Mr. Armstrong receives
are those from young children. Although charming and innocent in tone,
their comments show they are very serious about their beliefs and their
part in God's Church. They also clearly express the childlike qualities we
should have that Christ spoke of. Following are a few of their letters:
Dear Mr. Armstrong,
I like your show. I am praying for your eyesight. I love you so
much and I care for you.
Jason--age 6 (Roanoke Rapids, NC)
How are you? How is God's Work doing? I am six years old. I am
learning about Noah in the Y.E.S. lesson. Do you know Noah? Are
there lots of kids where you are? Thank you for your letters. I
pray for you on your trips. Goodbye.
Amanda--age 6 (Littleton, CO)
I'm twelve years old and am about to repent. As a matter of fact,
by the time you get this letter I will already have repented and
started living God's way•••• I would like to be baptized by one
of the Church's ministers. I live in Hornbeck, Louisiana and I'm
sure you could send somebody from Alexandria to come and baptize
me. I would like it done July 16 (Sabbath). I want very much to
be a servant of the Lord and be born as His son when Christ
returns. Could you or a minister call me and tell me if it will
be all right? You or the minister can call collect. I know you
are a busy man so I understand if a minister calls instead.
Anthony--age 12 (Hornbeck, LA)
Mr. Armstrong, you're a very nice person and I watch you every
day on Sunday except when
not on T.V. When I get baptized,
I can't now because I am only nine years old, but when I do, I
will never quit God's Church. I just hate sun gods. I really
like God's Church.
Terry--age 9 (Austin, TX)
Thank. you for warning us that the trials and tribulations are
going to be starting pretty soon. I like to listen to your ser­
mons. I think that they are interesting. I was thinking more
about the Kingdom; I want to be able to live · in the place of
safety. I want to obey God more. I want to get closer to God.
Jennifer--age 7 (Soldotna, AK)
Jennifer's parents added that after hearing Mr. Armstrong's sermon,
Jennifer bought her own Bible with money she was saving for a doll.