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I liked the program about the college and the singing. I enjoy
your speaking. When my mommy and daddy watch you, I watch you
too. I am six years old. I like you. I want to go to Ambassador
College some day.
Julie--age 6 (Mayfield, KY)
This is the first time I have written to you. My name is Nick, I
am nine years old. The thing that makes me want to write to you
was I was listening to the Young Ambassadors. They are the best
singers in the whole world! But I know why, God encourages you
and you encourage them!
I wanted you to know you have an interesting way of preaching. I
pray to God every day if not to totally heal your eyes, to help
them work till Christ returns. Then you will not have to worry.
On the film of the Ambassadors, there was a song called "It Won't
Be Long Now"--that is really true.
Nick--age 9 (Walla Walla, WA)
I have always admired you and your work. I'm 11 years old and I
live in Iowa. Here I live on a farm. My name is Rachel. I grew
up in the Church. I take notes. Do you have any booklets about
If so please try and send me some. My favorite
verse is Isaiah 11:6-9. At the feast three years ago, I learned
it. Well, take care of yourself.
Rachel--age 11 (Traer, IA)
Hi Mr. Armstrong. This is Kerry. I am eight years old. I live
in Texas. How are you doing? I hope Jesus comes back soon •... My
dad read me the book about the World Tomorrow. It is interest­
ing. Just a few days ago we got on Exodus.
I pray for you. I hope you can keep doing your job. I love God.
I wonder what it's gonna be like when we're gods. I know it's
going to be great. The best dream I ever had was when I w�s God
floating in the air. I went in the woods and went back up.
Kerry--age 8 (Gilmer, TX)
I hope your eyesight gets better soon. Our baby has lots of curly
hair. I like school. It is fun. I help some of the children for
the teacher. I am in kindergarten. I have been coloring.nice in
my Bible lessons. I like them very much. My sister likes her
Bible lesson too.
Gina--age 5 (Grand Junction, MI)
I just wanted to thank you so much for giving out the Youth Bible
Lessons. I think that it helps kids and teens to understand more
about God and the Bible. I know it's helped me. I've prayed a
lot for your eyesight and hearing. And if they don't get better
now, both you and I know they will be in the Kingdom!
I really enjoy seeing and hearing you at Feast sites. I just hope
that soon you'11 be telling us it's time to leave this rotten
world and FLEE! My friends are going to be so surprised when the
Kingdom comes. I've told a few of my friends about it. Oh, by