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Y.O.U. Manual Revisions
Plans are being made to update the entire Y.O.U. manual. In the meantime,
revision pages will be mailed to Church pastors each six to eight weeks,
either with the PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT (as we have done this time) or
To update your notebook, simply discard the corresponding
pages and replace them with the revision pages"
The revisions being mailed
this week concern basketball, t-shirts, and the ideas section.
Y.O.U. T-shirts
Several years ago Y.O.U. offered t-shirts to the local Churches. However,
due to the high costs of t-shirts and the additional printing costs, the
program was canceled. During the past three years the Y.O.U. staff ordered
thousands of t-shirts for the Summer Educational Programs in Orr and Big
Sandy and have found the "Hanes Beefy-T" to be the best t-shirt made.
We are currently in the process of ordering shirts for next summer, and
because so many Churches have requested them, Mr. Armstrong gave his ap­
proval to make the shirts available once again. Orders will be taken im­
mediately, and shipments will begin in February. See the "Ideas Section"
of the Y.O.U. manual revisions for details.
Dean, Y.O.U.
Groundwork Laid for Big Sandy WATS Lines
Mr. Bill Butler (WATS supervisor) and I have just returned from a
successful trip to Big Sandy for the purpose of establishing an auxiliary
WATS operation there. We will begin with ten phone stations, which should
be operational by the end of January. Mr. Frank Parsons, a local elder in
s Church, will supervise this new area, with the assistance of his
wife, Jane, and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hebert, WATS employees from Pasadena.
This additional system is necessary because we have reached the limits of
available space and manpower at Pasadena.
Big Sandy faculty, students and local members are very excited about the
opportunities they will have to answer calls in response to "The WORLD
TOMORROW" program.
Record 55.4 Million Publications Sent Out
More than 55.4 million magazines, booklets and. other publications have been
distributed in the U.S. this year! This is an all-time record, surpassing
last year's total of 52 million. With one more month to be counted, it
appears that 1983's count will reach 60 million pieces.
Semiannual Letter Helps to Break Weekend Record
Response to the semiannual letter has continued at a high volume. The week­
end record mail count of eighty-four mail trays (reported in the last
PASTOR GENERAL• S REPORT) was broken the following weekend (Dec. 17-18) ,