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oneself as David did. The Canberra church tends toward being shy
and reserved as a whole, though the individual members are
generous and kind. After being here three years I have gotten to
know the people well and admire their courage and faithfulness.
COLOMBO, SRI LANKA--MOHAN JAYASEKERA: The recent troubles have
made all realize that the tribulation is very imminent, and
brought on a greater sense of urgency to prepare for Christ's re­
turn and to pray more fervently for the kingdom. It has brought
everyone closer together with more concern shown for one another.
It has brought about a greater zeal for the Church, and members
are inspired by the way God protected His people and cared for
them in the crisis.
Members fasted and prayed for leaders of the world so that the
Festival worldwide would be held in peace, asking God to show us
what is wrong with each of us and how we could respond to our
calling better, anQ for God to thereby increase the power of His
. . . . ..
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Winter Semiannual Letter Being Mailed
Mr. Armstrong's latest semiannual letter is now being mailed to all two
million U.S. PLAIN TRUTH subscribers and will later be sent to multiple
thousands of others throughout the world.
Over the years, the semiannuaL letter has borne tremendous fruit for God's
Church. More than four million subscribers have requested the literature
offered in the letters. Although no money has ever been requested, many
thousands have become donors a.nd co�workers by sending donations in re­
sponse to the letter.
We have noted through the years that as God's Church prays fervently for the
success of these letters the impact is always strongly felt. Perhaps you
would want to remind your congregation of the great need to back Mr. Arm­
strong and God's Church in this special way.
New All-time Record Set ior Weekend WATS TV Response
"The WORLD TOMORROW" telecast entitled "Revelation: End-Time Prophecies,"
shown on November 12 and 13, drew an all-time record response for a single
weekend of 11,604 calls. The previous weekend record was sent in November
1982 when 10,948 calls came in response to "The Plain Truth About Christ­
mas" telecast.
The timeliness of Mr. Armstrong's message in view of recent world events
undoubtedly sparked great interest and concern from viewers.
Also, 20
additional phones were placed in service just one day before this outstand­
ing response. The total number of phones in the Telephone Response area is
now 95. Thus, more people are able to get through during peak periods.
The TV response is expected to remain quite high for at least several more
weeks. Two more programs dealing with end-time prophecies are scheduled,
to be followed by a reshowing of "The Plain Truth About Christmas."