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Following are some comments about "Revelation: End-Time Prophecies" that
we received from callers:
I like the way Mr. Armstrong related prophecy to what is happen­
ing in the world--that's what struck me about the program. The
way he tied it together made me feel like I'd better straighten
up and live a better life.
S. T. ( I 11
He is a very impressive minister. I felt what he said was the
truth. Not his own doctrine, but the Bible's. Because of all the
turmoil in the United States, I'm interested in learning how it
all relates to prophecy. This is the first time that I've heard
of Mr. Armstrong.
L.W. (I11inois)
This ls the .first time that I have heard the program. Mr. Arm­
strong was saying things I didn't know about Revelation even
though I have studied it for years. I had been praying all night
for help, then I turned on the TV and saw your telecast.
Baptist minister (Arizona)
I'm a public schoolteacher and I think that ·Mr. Armstrong is very
informative. I do read the Bible and I thought this program was
very �ducational in its use of scriptural passages.
C.S. (New Jersey)
Feast Audiences Enjoy "Behind the Work:-198311
A special highlight of this year's Feast of Tabernacles was the film "Be­
hind the Work--1983." It was deeply appreciated by young and old alike, who
were moved and inspired by this account of the true Church's hi$tory. Many
said it helped them to better understand the origin and commission of the
Philadelphia era. The following comments show the enthusiasm this film
The film "Behind the Work" was exceptionally interesting. It was
sobering to see how some of our brethren in preceding Church eras
had to flee from persecution and how small this. present era
started out.
We as a family want to thank you for
was put into the film on the true
brought these 1900-plus years to
special history.
D.S. (Big Sandy, TX)
all the work and effort that
Church's history. The film
life in showing this very
Mn:J. G.D. , (Wyoming, IL)
What a fantastic Feast of Tabernacles we observed at Rapid City.
The speakers were all very inspiring but "the icing on the cake"
was your presentation of the growth of the Church. We have abso­
lutely no doubt that you are God's Apostle crying out in the
wilderness of this age.
Mrs. T.S. (Colorado Springs,