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ATLANTA (EAST-WEST), GA--KENNETH MARTIN: PMs continue to pour in
as a result of Mr. Armstrong's outstanding telecasts. Attendance
at weekly Bible study continues to rise with the brethren showing
a hungering desire to understand world events in light of
prophecy. A sense of urgency is reflected by the brethren in im­
proved study, prayer, etc.
From Australia and Asia
MELBOURNE (NORTH), VIC--GAVIN CULLEN: I am very impressed with
our second-generation Christians who are from Y.O.U. age up into
their mid-twenties. T.hey are generally very responsible and are
setting a very fine example. The teens are very supportive of
the Y.o.u. and are prepared to handle any project I give them.
There is great excitement in anticipation of Mr. Armstrong's
pLanned visi.t to S.E.P. in January. All are "turned on" at the
importance he places on Y.O.U� as a part of God's Church.
Due to interest in the S.E.P. and
U. -sponsored Over SOs Dinner which went so well, there's a
growing awareness of the youth here at long last.
Mr. Arm­
strong's comments in sermons lately have als-
o helped this. There
is a marked closing of what had been a definite generation gap in
the Adelaide congregation.
This is encouraging the Y.o.U.
members, because we told then that it could be accomplished by
service, and it has. They are now much freer in coming to the
ministry for counseling and help.
BLAXLAND, NSW--JOHN COMINO: Support and interest in the Y.E.S.
lessons is strong and genuine. There is more and more evidence
of parents properly taking on their childrearing responsibili­
The cohesion among the youth grows and their potential
Church solidarity increases.
Prospective member activity is
high with a new visit request for each week for the last month.
Recently, seven new people began attending. This has had an in­
teresting effect on the mem):]ers. Soae have had the status quo
upset while others have taken the positive step of welcoming the
�w people into their midst and letting them feel part of the
Unemployment continues to plague the Church with two
more members losing their jobs last month. Now, 50% of the em­
ployable males are out of work.
Unemployment continues to be a
problem, with some considering leaving the state unless a job
eventuates soon.
CANBERRA, ACT--RODNEY KING: 1983 has been a hard year for many
members financially. Even one member whose job pays very well is
finding it hard with the new Labou't government's taxes. He is in
third tithe year and is just making ends meet.
I have concentrated on bringing out the right and proper Godly
emotion in God's people here. In both Spokesman Club and per­
sonal counseling I have stressed the importance of expressing