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Armstrong had spoken longer on the Last Great Day. They always
look forward with great anticipation to hearing him speak. They
know he is God's end-time apostle and the "Elijah" of Malachi 4.
CANTON, OH--JOHN FOSTER: The Feast was superb--but it just went
by too fast. The film "Behind the Work" was very inspiring.
Please convey to Mr. Armstrong our thanks for all his efforts in
making this "the best Feast ever."
From Canada
SAULT STE. MARIE, ONT--GARY KING: Mr. Armstrong's tape and my
back-up sermons are really making the point to members that we
cannot be wishy-washy in our Christian lives--that we must be
100% for God's approach and government.
Events on the world
scene are getting people's attention.
I am working with two
former members towards their reinstatement.
Many are being
tested by "make or break" trials, designed to show whether they
really put God first.
PRINCE GEORGE, BC--GLEN A. WEBER: There have been very good com­
ments about Mr. Armstrong's tapes. His latest co-worker letters
have really generated a lot of interest. People are starting to
feel a little "panicky" about getting a handle on their problems.
Several have made noticeable changes in their attitudes.
NORTH BATTLEFORD, SK--OWEN MURPHY: The Church here is vigorous,
involved, and very responsive to news of the Work. The members
participate fully in all activities and are eager to grow. Doc­
trinal sermons are getting a good response.
BRANDON, MB--JONATHAN BUCK: We have had a number of healings,
including a near instant healing of a years-long back injury.
Fellowship goes on long after services. Many are putting their
minds to their assignments and really thinking service. News­
stands are off to a good start, with favour being shown in the two
biggest possible doors in town. Brethren are very much involved
as I hoped they would be.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Heightened Interest in God's Church
Our publications and radio and TV programs are having a greater impact on
the public. More and more people are asking for specific information about
the Worldwide Church of God. In the past nine months, more than 12,000
copies of Mr. Armstrong's article "Where Is the True Church?" have been
mailed in the United States alone. Last year, over 11,500 were sent out.
Clearly, the Gospel message is going out to the world with greater power and
influence. It seems that the seeds which have been planted over the past
few years have germinated and are beginning to produce fruit. With the
potential for growth that looms on the horizon, Matthew 9:37-38 should have
greater meaning: "Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is
plenteous, but the labourers are few: Pray ye therefore the Lord of the
harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest."