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and fellowshipping with ministers from other parts of the globe.
The joy it has generated in us will remain indelible in our
There is no doubt we were
spiritually and physically.
utmost best in utilizing the
ren here.
refreshed beyond expectation, both
By God's help we are going to do our
knowledge gained to serve the breth-
May we kindly request that our warm regards be passed to all our
able instructors, members of the staff, other workers, and stu­
dents, for the excellent performance in all their duties, and for
making our stay most enjoyable. We thank God for the spirit of
oneness which pervaded every event.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
From the United States
Elijah and Florence Chukwudi
CONCORD, NH--KEN WILLIAMS: God gave us the best Feast �l The
brethren recognized the need for the Feast and prepare�or it.
Overall, people were up and hungry for the spiritual Feast God
gave us. We were given vision and taught how to overcome to the
end. As usual, God gave us just what we needed right on time.
Several are going through fiery trials. Mr. Armstrong's state­
ment, "I've read the end of the story--and we win!" was well re­
His calm assurance is contagious-: - The brethren are
ready to get to work.
Attitudes are very
positive at this time of the year as everyone was encouraged by
the Feast, especially Mr. Armstrong's very strong and encouraging
sermons on the holy days. It was so good to hear from him againl
Please let him know how much the brethren appreciate his efforts
and concern for them, and let him know we are continuing to pray
for him daily.
Among the many favorable comments
I've heard from the brethren about the Feast is one that is re­
peated over and over: "This was the most spiritual Feast I've
ever attended." It reflects a positive attitude toward the mes­
sages they heard and the unity they felt.
Such feelings have
created an uplifting atmosphere among the members.
CASPER, WY--DENNIS WHEATCROFT: I have heard very positive com­
ments from all those returning from the Feast. The people seem
to have been truly recharged spiritually.
GREENSBORO, NC--DAN ROGERS: Another "best Feast ever" with Mr.
Armstrong's messages the highlight. All the brethren enjoyed and
profitted from the Feast.
The spiritual growth gained through
keeping God's Feast has given them the strength to endure and the
vision to look to the World Tomorrow.
ROANOKE, VA--ROBERT PERSKY: All of the brethren who attended the
Feast thought it was the best Feast ever. They all wished Mr.