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Germany and Switzerland. Also, two ads will appear simultaneously with the
insert distribution. One ad will appear at the end of October in the news
magazine DER SPIEGEL. The second one will appear in READER'S DIGEST in
Germany and Switzerland in the month of November. We expect as many as
60,000 new subscribers from this advertising.
The mail for September showed a slight decrease compared to September of
last year. This is mainly because our advertising campaign will get under­
way later this year. However, we are headed for a new record for incoming
mail when the advertising begins. The mail income has shown encouraging
upward tendencies. The month-to-date increase was 47% over September of
1982. For the year to date the mail income has increased 19%.
From Vancouver, Canada
As of this writing almost all of the office
employees have returned from the Feast and are back at work processing the
backlog of mail that inevitably occurs at this time of year. They should
just catch up when the first returns from the Direct Mail Promotion are
expected to start arriving at the office. The next few months will be very
busy as the office processes these requests.
Preliminary reports from the Feast are as follows:
Feast of Tabernacles
Last Great Day
The direct satellite reception of Mr. Armstrong's messages, while not fla�­
less, was successful. In addition, most of the sites in Canada were blessed
with beautiful weather. Glorious sunshine seemed the order of the day.
The inauguration of Victoria as a feast site seemed to go very well despite
those few problems that always seem to go hand in hand with a new site.
Being a new site it attracted a fair amount of positive publicity. News­
paper coverage at the different feast sites was, generally speaking, good,
with some newspapers printing almost verbatim the press release from Pasa­
The office staffers who traveled to sites as far apart as Alaska and the
Isle of Man all report exciting and positive Feasts. Comments from Church
members across the country echo these same feelings.
Appreciation for the Second Ministerial Refreshing Program
Dear Messrs. Armstrong and Tkach:
Warmest greetings from my wife and me. We have the pleasure to
inform you of our safe arrival here in Nigeria, after the two
weeks of spiritual rejuvenation in Pasadena. Please accept our
deep appreciation and thanks for the opportunity granted us to
attend the last session of the second Ministerial Refreshing Pro­
We had a fourfold privilege: Listening to those well-researched
and documented topics from the Bible: meeting and seeing our dear
beloved Apostle, Mr. Armstrong, for the first time: spending time
at the Headquarters of God's Work on earth: as well as meeting