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Feast Backlog Diminishes
Just a quick note to let you know that we are making good progress with the
backlog of mail received during the Feast. Everyone is pitching in and many
sections are working overtime to help catch up. The majority of visit re­
quests should be current by the time you receive this report. Outgoing
mailings, including the magazines and literature, are being made on sched­
The Greatest Feast Yeti
With the "best Feast ever" now behind us, many comments from members are
flooding in. They are filled with excitement and enthusiasm, and want to
tell us what a tremendous Feast they had.
God's people were very much inspired by the sermons--and especially the
satellite transmissions on the holy days. The films, "Behind the Work--
1983" and "Festival '83 with the Young Ambassadors," were well received at
all age levels. Many commented that a deep love, unity, and attitude of
cooperation were strongly in evidence. Here are several excerpts from the
letters we've received:
Well, another Feast is over and I just hated to go home, but I
know we must. Thank you for showing us what God wants us to know
and do.
Thank you and all the rest of the ministry for the
sermons too.
This was "the best Feast ever." Jekyll Island was beautiful--my
villa overlooked the ocean. The sunrise was beautiful and all of
God's people were beautiful, too. As we sang the last hymn a tear
came to my eye, knowing this would be the last time we would see
some of the brethren for another year.
J.F. (Gainesville, FL)
Along with thanking you for your encouraging messages on the
first and last days of the Feast, our family also wishes to thank
you for the many ways that you think of us.
The 1983 ENVOY is beautiful! And if anyone wants to know some­
thing about Mr. Armstrong, the Work, the Church or Ambassador
College, the AMBASSADOR FOR WORLD PEACE brochure should answer
their questions!
The Young Ambassador cassettes will probably be the most impor­
tant physical thing you made available to us at this year's
Feast. We have two teen-agers and one who soon will be. Of
course, they all love listening to the radio and don't always
appreciate it when we admonish them to listen to
else." It's been frustrating to try to find "something else" for
them to listen to that they can truly enjoy. I hope that more of
. these cassettes will be made available to us in the future
because I think that the present ones will soon be worn outl
Mr. & Mrs. R.W. (Conrad, IA)
The 1983 Feast of Tabernacles certainly was a memorable occasion.
My wife and I transferred to Sacramento. The physical aspect of