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stay there. This knowledge will be passed on to God's people in
our area so that they, too, will profit and grow in grace and in
the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Medardo and Henrietta Maninang
Dear Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Tkach:
The first Refreshing Program was most uplifting, and I had diffi­
culty in comprehending that it was possible for it to be improved
upon. But this second one didl On the first Sabbath back home,
when I was informing the brethren of the various classes, I found
that I was tending to repeat: "This class was really uplifting,"
or "It was inspirational to see how God is directing the Work at
We would like to express our gratitude in being able to come and
experience the warmth, the service, the guidance, the fellowship,
and the total "refreshing" that was provided for us, which we in
turn will pass on to others.
D'Arcy and Yvonne Watson
Mr. Tkach:
Greetings! Bev and I want to thank you very much for the inspir­
ing and informative two weeks we just completed in the second Re­
freshing Program. It was great seeing old friends and making new
ones in the ministry. The classes were right on target in help­
ing us become better shepherds of the flocks under our care. We
are looking forward to the third round when it comes. In the
meantime we will certainly try to follow your closing challenge
to "keep the faith--and spread itl"
Fred and Bev Cavis
Dear Mr. Tkach:
My wife and I wish to thank Mr. Armstrong, you and all who are
involved in the Refreshing Program. We found the lectures in­
structive, inspiring, and personally helpful, as well as a source
of information to be passed on to others.
We enjoyed the meals and the fellowship with the other ministers
attending, faculty members, and students of Ambassador College
while dining in the Student Center. At the Kaffeeklatsch, we
were able to make new acquaintances and enjoy those made long ago
in Church areas and at the annual festivals. We were invited out
and into the homes of ministers and brethren at Headquarters and
appreciated the hospitality and fellowship of all.
"What was it like?" we are asked by the brethren here at home. We
tell them it is as refreshing as the best Feast of Tabernacles
they have experienced. We have also told them it is a very hum­
bling experience. Christ has, through the use of those He has
chosen to be at Headquarters, "washed our feet." Now He expects
us in the same manner to wash the congregations' feet, so they
can in turn "wash one another's feet."